𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗴𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁 ✺

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(Heavily edited) complete ✓

Naruto's POV

For a few days, I've been feeling quite nauseous and dizzy. I just used to brush it of thinking I just got a normal fever and I'd call a doctor if it got worse. And boy oh boy, it didn't just go worse.

"Kyuuu~" I complain to my older brother. Sasuke and Itachi were at work and come back at 6:00pm, and they haven't arrived yet as it was just 4:56, so he was the only person I could complain to.

"What is it Naruto, can't you see I'm busy? I have a date with Itachi when he comes back," Kyuubi's eyes stayed stuck on his bag as he put some things in there. Kyuubi wasn't mean, in fact, he was a really nice guy. Mostly to me and our close family members, but right now, I could tell he wasn't in the mood.

"The past few weeks I've been feeling sick. I've called the doctors and they said it was just a cold but I think it's more than that," I cross my arms, pouting while looking down.

Kyuubi stops his hands for a moment. "Have you tried taking a pregnancy test?" 



"You never know unless you try!" Kyuubi states on, zipping his bag before facing towards me.

"But I know I'm not!" I reply. Please, I was astonished. Why would I be pregnant? I'm only 22..."

"Naruto, knowing you, you probably didn't use protection."

"Haha... That does sound like me..." 

"Yeah I bet it does" he rolls his eyes. "I'll get the test when me and Itachi go out, just be patient until then."

Ughhh I don't want to be pregnant! Taking care of kids are such a drag. Dang it I sound like Shikamaru, what a drag! Okay I need to stop saying what a drag.

"Okay, I guess." I walk off to me and Sasuke's room. "Have fun with your date!"


Time Skip. When ItaKyu go on their date *3RD PERSON*

"Jeez, you took your time," Itachi complained while Kyuubi jumped in the car.

"Just shut up and drive," Kyuubi spits out.

Sheeeeeesh. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Itachi thought.

After the date, Kyuubi asks Itachi if he could get something from the store, and of course, Ita lets him bc he's a HAWT gentleman. 

Kyuubi gets out of the car and makes his way toward the door of the loud store. He makes his way towards the pregnancy aisle and doesn't forget to hear the loud screaming of children wailing for chocolate. Man, that is always annoying.

Anyway, he grabs as many brands as he could find cuz he's a 🤑💸 RICH BOI 💸🤑

Meh, this'll be enough. Kyuubi says in his mind. He runs to the paying section, obviously pays (or maybe not 😏😏) and sprints his way to Itachi's car.

He got in and first thing he heard, was Itachi's voice. What a pleasant surprise for a big headache caused by kids screaming!

"Whatcha got there?" Itachi sings.


"I know it's something, but what is the something."

"Sometimes it might not be a thing, It might be an animal..." Kyuubi trails off.

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