❝𝗚𝗼 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽...❞ ✺

698 12 14


btw I made Naruto a little more sassy than from when he was a weird ass pick me so ur welcome

**Third Person**

Everyone likes Naruto. He was your ideal type, cute, friendly, kind, popular. You would expect someone like that to have good relationships with others, but that's not really the case. He gets fucking HARRASSED.

Wish I could just punch these ugly fat stinky musty rusty ugly dumpling faces donkey pig rolling in its poo and mud mixed up and eating it while farting and watching peppa pig get eaten and dies. (IM SORRY I HAVE TO KEEP THIS 💀)

I'm not lying.

As much as Naruto tells anyone, or gets them to back off, or makes one of his friends beat them up, it just doesn't get into their head. And Naruto had an attitude. So if his other threats didn't work, he would just show the other side of him.

(Aka, the devil side ;)

**At Lunch**

**Naruto POV**

I was walking towards an empty table with my ramen cup and a carton of strawberry milk occupied on both of my hands. My friends weren't joining me today because they had a club.

I sit down and start slowly eating my ramen. I abruptly stop as a group of boys come up to my table. They start staring at me and start whispering. Little did they know I heard them...

'Shit I just found my meal for tonight'

'What no, I saw him first'

'You got the last one!'

'But this one's more cuter!'

It just really felt like ordinary stares and comments but somehow it made me really uncomfortable. The looks they were giving me looked like they were ready to fucking pounce. Normally, if someone looked at me that way, they wouldn't ever actually try the things they said because they knew I was friends with Hinata and they were literally buying a free pass to hell.

They group started to shift closer towards my table. Oh shit maybe I should've sat with Temari instead of being by myself. Or I should've went to the stupid club with Kiba and Tenten.

What do I do now!? I was internally screaming and unintentionally switched tables. The one I was on before was fully empty, hence why I chose to sit there (for peace and quiet). But obviously it had to be in the middle of the popular kids and the group that were eyeing me out.

So basically, what ur thinking is probably right. I'm in the same table as THE Uchiha Sasuke and his annoying clique.

I swear to god, there was always drama with that group. Maybe it would be if they got into new fights or purposely scratched a guy's car. Or maybe the time when Sasuke SPREAD FUCKING RUMOURS ABOUT Naruto CHEATING ON HIS EX!?

The group from before noticed that I was seriously uncomfortable but still continued to 'try' to flirt with me from across the room. All of a sudden, they started to walk towards me again. FUCK no. Let me have my ramen in peace you fucking bitches.

I was considering switching tables but apparently I took too long because the annoying group was right in front of me. I tried to get up from my seat because I really wasn't feeling it today but one brave fucking motherfucker grabbed my arm.

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