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Alana woke up in pure hysteria, coughing up the salt water that was slowly filling up her lungs, hardly finding any air left.
The last thing she remembered was on a plane, reading a book with her headphones in, and now she was all alone, in the middle of the ocean.

While trying to both breath and keeping her head above the water, every single slice of energy that was left in her body slowly drained, leaving her with the little faith she had to survive this nightmare. She looked around, trying to find anything that would help her stay up for air.

Having found a floating suitcase somewhere in the water, the girl leaned against it, catching her breath and coughing until her throat felt sore, until she noticed she wasn't far from land, an island being closer to her than she would've wished for.

Without another thought, Alana used the last bit of energy she had left to swim towards the shore and crawling out of the water and onto the beach, where she noticed she wasn't alone, all the of guys from the plane were here as well.

There were eight of them, Alana had no idea who they were or what their names were, she didn't even know what they looked like considering she wasn't allowed to sit with the. But at this very moment, she wished she knew a name, any of them, just so she could call them out, asking for help. But instead, her energy drained and not a single muscle in her body was able to move.

She just laid there, at the edge of the sand, her eyes fluttering close while she watched the boys interact with each other. She thought of screaming towards them, letting them know she was there, but she was too tired. She just needed to sleep.


"I wouldn't say this was the most scared I've ever been in my life... but it's definitely somewhere on top of the list."

She thought back of the anxiety she felt when she woke up, chocking on the salt water, shivers running down her spine just by the memory.

"So, when you were at lying at the beach, none of the boys noticed your presence?"
One of the two men asked, seeming genuinely interested in every single detail, something Alana couldn't quite understand.

"It wasn't until later when the boys noticed me, comatose on the beach."


"Yo, guys! Come see this!"
Scotty yelled loudly at the group, who made their way towards him and his friend Bo in confusion.

Him and Bo were just trying to find some sticks for a campfire when they noticed the unconscious body on the beach. They were confused as to where she came from, they sure would've remembered a girl being on the same flight as them.

"The fuck..."
Henry let out under his breath when all eight of the boys surrounded the girl, staring at her in shock.

"Okay, everyone, back away, I'm gonna check her pulse!"
Seth announced to everyone, who all did exactly as he told them to.

Seth sat down of his knees, leaning forward in the damp sand to get closer to the girl, gently touching her wrist to, luckily, feel a frequent heartbeat, meaning the girl was very much alive.

"She's alive."
He announced, earning a lot of signs of relief.

As if on cue, Alana suddenly shot up from her spot on the sand, coughing loudly and throwing up all the sea water that previously filled her lungs.
Seth, who was still kneeling down next to her, rubbed comfortable circles on her back, helping her get the water out of her system.

Castaways. -Kirin O'ConnorWhere stories live. Discover now