Chapter 5: Don't Play His Game

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The one-eyed Endermen continued to smack Steve violently into the wall, applying even more pressure with each hit. It continued to ignore the shouts of the young woman, pure rage filled it's unblinking eye.

Steve gasped for breath with each wallop, this monster was very strong perhaps more stronger than any other Endermen he's ever been up against. He could feel a warm liquid trail down the side of his face through each pummel, the Endermen was literally bashing his skull open and with one hand at that. Warren wasn't kidding about the 'more' powerful mobs. They were definitely a force to be reckoned with, and if they're this strong then what be of Herobrine's power? He didn't even want to think on it, especially with a mind splitting headache forming and his vision doubling.

"Stealth, stop it now!" Luna finally ran over and grabbed it's wrist, she then pulled it away with all of her strength. Luckily, her pull was enough to allow Steve to breathe but also enough to catch the attention of the black mob.

"Please, Stealth! He's not an enemy, he's a friend! He's here to help me, even if I don't really need it. So please let him up. It's not Herobrine." Her voice was calm but rigid as she stared into the Endermen's eye. "Please." She repeatedly plead.

The Endermen's gaze softened as it stared back into her blue orbs. It looked back down at the struggling man and decided to let him go, it carelessly dropped the miner to the ground and it flashed away and reappeared behind Luna as she reached down to pull Steve up.

"I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse him. He's very protective of me, especially against Herobrine and I suppose his 'look-alikes'."

Steve pushed himself off of his knees and he staggered around as he tried to regain balance, his head spun from the trashing. He almost stumbled off of the edge until a long black arm reached over and grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and tugged him closer to the wall. Once more his eyes landed on the black figure, Steve was in disbelief that the same vicious Endermen that just tired to kill him had saved him. "How did you- That thing- How? Why?" He clutched his aching forehead and then wiped away the blood.

"He's not a thing!" Luna shouted as she placed her hands on her hips, quickly changing her tone from concern to defensive. "His name is Stealth and he is my friend!"

"An Endermen?" Steve tried to avoid looking into the creature's eye but even when he did the monster didn't budge from it's spot, it only growled lowly instead.

"Yes. Unlike all of the other beasts around here- Stealth is different. He cares about me and he's the whole reason why I can come down here and train. He's always watching my back and getting me to safety when things get out of hand. I know he's a monster but not the kind you think he is."

The miner grabbed the edge of the wall and leaned against it to keep himself from falling. "How can anybody do that? Befriend a mob? I mean they're always trying to kill people and yeah, kill."

The young woman's posture relaxed some and she briefly glanced away. "We weren't always friends, actually he was my rival for a few good years of my life but it's different now."


She looked back at Steve and smirked. "Yeah. Three years ago I came to this ravine to try and sharpen my archery skill, considering that all of these enemies were stronger and they'd last longer and take several more hits then the usual. It was a perfect plan since I needed more targets and could still practice safely when firing from the top of the ravine. However, one late evening I've had enough practice and was going to quit and head home before Warren would return from his late shift. This is so I wouldn't get into trouble or be suspected of training again, but on that same trip to the ravine is when I saw an Endermen."

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