Chapter 78: This Purpose

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He felt it and he shuddered. Herobrine's eyes snapped open wide and his head immediately shot up with his posture swiftly changing from his slouched position on the stone fortress throne. This enigmatic spike of energy in the air had the short fine hair on the back of his neck stand on end, this specific type of energy was also one he seemed familiar with but he couldn't tell why he knew it and who it belonged to. It was just known, instinctive almost. This force was foreign and yet... recognizable. So acute but also detectable, even by the faint amount he picked up.

'He' was here, his presence was in the world once more and the injured being found himself immediately on his guard.

-Notch.- He hissed to himself.

The white-eyed man quickly leapt up out of the chair and instantly grimaced and grabbed his wound, the deep gash was still moist with blood and the pain intensified from his abrupt stretching movements. He clasped a hand over the space between his neck and shoulder and held tightly while his free hand remained open with his diamond blade of wrath forming in it. Even with the sword he was conjuring; he still felt on edge and almost fuming with his deep seeded rage for the traitorous deity's arrival.

It was him, Notch's presence wasn't too far away. HE was in the world once again after being absence for centuries, the creator and governor of his world has returned.

But for what reason? He did not know.

That judgmental and condemning god had made his way back to this world for a purpose unknown and this annoyed Herobrine to no end. He knew nothing of that man's reason for being here, he could only guess and prepare for a possible encounter. A fight to death one or so it would seem, and this happened just before he was preparing to force his memories and sanity away. That would have been a huge mistake, at least it would to him now that he was free from his irrational and arrogant single-mindset self.

A hand tightly coiled around the leather strapped handle of the sword, his feet remained planted on the ground and he refused to move as he kept his focus on the energy and waited for it to either spike significantly; the definite sign that would indicate him appearing nearby, inside or outside the fortress. Or wait to see if it would dissipate; meaning that his visit was short and that he left. Herobrine didn't like this at all, he thought that the god was gone forever. He had been wrong. Why would Notch abandon his world and all of his precious creations to suffer for so long and then just suddenly up and reappear? Did he return to wipe the world clean and begin again after losing interest of the current world and it's inhabitants? Did he come back to get rid of this nuisance of a world so that he wouldn't have to worry about it ever again? Or did he return to resolve some unfinished business; particularly with a powerful being killing his people and taking their souls?

Was he back for revenge? Herobrine was now injured and healing rather slowly, so slowly that his wound was still as fresh as it was cut a short while ago. This was an opportunistic time for Notch to end it all while he was at a disadvantage.

Inner conflict had him in a frenzy of frustration, rage, and strangely enough; fear. Yes, he felt vulnerable when he would have normally never have felt that way, this was worse than the fear he had of Ender. The hero of old used to fear nothing, ever. Now he feared the End Beast to some degree, but not this much. Having a sense of fear used to be unheard of to him, but now that was all he felt; standing alone in the dark fortress with a large wound. His strength was literally draining from him and the longer he stood in place the more weaker he was becoming, he was in no shape to fight. A part of him was wanting a retreat while the other wanted a confrontation. He was split on the idea of hiding and taking the creator on. A part of himself really wanted to fight and kill that abandoning and punishing bastard, while the more rational side said that it would be futile; especially in his current deplorable condition.

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