Chapter 66: Don't Resist

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The miner jerked his upper body from side to side as he was being pressed forward by the two guards, but they held the upper part of his arms firmly and jerked him back into place. "I don't understand? Why am I being arrested?!" He snorted as he tried again to pull himself free, using up a fair amount of energy to try and break loose. He was unsuccessful.

Steve could feel the guys push him to walk faster throughout the village, he nearly tripped in his forced stumble; unable to keep his balance with his aching legs. He could feel eyes all on him, people from the sidelines all stopped their menial tasks and chores to see what was going on. A lot of those faces he saw weren't pleasant ones, but rather spiteful and fearful. 'I'm not Herobrine so why are they looking at me like that? Is it the rumors?' The miner thought as he dragged his heels down the gravel path.

"Put your mind at ease miner, I am having you taken in for questioning. None of those people on the streets are going to hurt you and my men won't. As long as you cooperate with me that is?"

Steve lightly tilted his head back to see the village chief walking casually behind him with a grin plastered on his face. "Questioning?"

The elder adjusted his glasses. "As I've said before, I have been receiving a lot of notices and rumors from these people that you see around here. It turns out that a certain traveler decided to stop by and share his 'adventure' with just about anybody he met, now we have reports constantly flying into my office. For such a small population of people; I have nearly an entire stack or written reports as high as my desk. This village only houses forty-four adults and twelve children; yet I have so many complaints and concerns, but I don't have answers so they keep nagging to me until I give them something.

Many in this town are demanding answers for what the traveler or explorer had said about you and Him, your friend I assume. These people do not believe in the old man's words, they instead believe that you coming back here would bring much despair and death. If you have truly befriended that fiend then they say you are a traitor to your own kind, to humanity. I am inclined to agree." The village leader walked a little quicker until he was just behind the miner and he whispered into Steve's ear. "You know what? It turns out they are right. Who would have thought? After hearing your little chitchat with the bartender it proves that they are right, picking out only a few to survive while the rest remains here to be slaughtered? They really don't know how right they are. You are truly a selfish and detestable vermin."

Steve's eyes close tightly and he shook his head back and forth, the man was right. He should have done more or tried harder to sway Herobrine from fulfilling his duty to amass souls.

"Pity." The elder spoke more loudly again. "Some didn't think you were coming back, but after seeing you now? They know something bad is about to happen and they will surely be coming to me real soon with questions and concerns, as the leader I must take the appropriate actions and give the people what they need." He finished, Morrison then slowed his pace.

"You were eavesdropping?" Steve growled, turning his head to the side to cast a low glare at the villager leader.

Chief Morrison's eyes scanned the area around him, making sure that there was no one close by to hear them. "Indeed. I was in the right too. If I didn't hear your little story with Warren then everyone here would be hopelessly up against the monster with no power to fight, only to cower in place as that demon swings his sword and stains it red. Eavesdropping got me enough information and it helped in backing up what the other man had told me, unfortunately I still need you though. Saying that you are taken in for questioning serves in keeping the peace amongst the people around here, they don't yet fully know what terrible fate we are going to face in the next several hours. I still have a few questions myself, of course in regards to helping me. I have no interest in 'His' past, I do not care if it is true or not. All I care for is the sanctity of my people and I am going to do whatever it takes to preserve 'us', Notch's first unified; we MUST survive at all costs."

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