Chapter 42: And Mercy

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It was bad. Steve had tore the red stained gauzes right down the center over the wound and the injury looked horrible. The gash still lacked the healing light and it wasn't all that clean, he thought he even saw a few blades of grass in there. He looked away from the lesion and took a deep breath, hoping he wasn't about to do more harm or make matters worse. Blood was one of the things that he hated to see and now he was seeing a lot of it, mostly because it was his fault; dumb luck or not. He stepped away from the injured man and back over to the chest on the other side of the room, he dug through the chest to find a little sack that Nigel had left him along with his last potion of health. He pulled the vile out along with the sack and heard chinking sounds when he closed the box and laid the bag down gently on the square container.

He pulled the drawstrings apart and searched through the small bag to see a few concoctions that the old man must of left before leaving back for the village. Steve pulled out one vile labeled Potion of Regeneration, a potion of Heath, and one Potion of Swiftness. There was also a folded sheet of paper inside that he pulled out, he unfolded the sheet to find handwritten notes. The bottom half was faded out like a liquid had been spilled over it and erased some of the it's contents, but some of it was still distinguishable.

Notes to self: Potion Mixing

-Mixed potions are very helpful and can heal bad wounds or sometimes even worsen wounds. Can also create longer lasting effects or even shorten them, depending all on the ingredients and proportion amounts. (Obvious presumption.)

-A better potion can do much more, even save your life or take it. (Again, palpable)

-Mixing some potions can often produce a variety of powerful and beneficial effects... or become less potent if not completely useless or even harmful.

-Potions are to be swallowed not applied to the outer surface of the body.

-Splash Potions are more effective on direct injuries and therefore should not be ingested so that the potency doesn't decline, when mixed with regular potions it usually retains the potency on the external surfaces of the body.

-Base Potions have no effect. (Why did I write this?)

Created Concoction list: tested and untested:

-Potion of Slowness mixed with Potion of Resistance makes a better and longer lasting effect of resistance to poison and fire for some odd reason. However, the slow effect lasts twice as long and is quite debilitating. (Tested)

-Potion of Swiftness mixed with Potion of Slowness has absolutely no effect. (Tested)

-Potion of Heath and Potion of Resistance actually reduces healing effect. (Tested)

-Potion of Regeneration with Potion of Healing causing both healing effects with a slight increase of the healing rate. (Tested, excellent results)

-Potion of Slowness with Potion of Harming? (Not tested)

-Potion of Harming and Potion of Weakness makes a deadly concoction. (Not yet tested but theorized)

-Splash Potion of Fire Resistance and Potion of Strength with Potion of Harming creates a whole new effect; but I will just call it Splash Potion of Fire. (Tested. Instant fire in a bottle. Worked well, too well.)



-Important note to self: Don't mix Invisibility Potion with a Potion of Harming, very, very bad results. (Tested, dreadfully awful- most unexpected of results)

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