Escape To Happiness

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My story is already uploaded to Fanfiction but I wanted to share it with Wattpad to so if it looks familiar you know why. I haven't updated it recently but I will here so look forward to it. :] And as always enjoy and read. n_n

The L.A. air was different, something she wasn't used to, but it was nice and she felt that maybe with time she could start to love it. After Spencer had given her the motorcycle they fixed she was so psyched and in that moment she felt like her life was in a moment of complete perfection. Yes, her mother had problems and her family was full of strange people who were in jail or going to be...well all except Ms. Perfect Melanie. Her family life may not be perfect but at this point she was happy like her name didn't weigh down on her. Memories from Seattle slithered their way back up to her mind and the image of Carly and Freddie kissing was burned in her mind. She didn't confront them even though it crushed her inside. Somehow they seemed to notice but Sam didn't want to talk about it. After Carly left with her father to Italy she didn't feel as connected to Seattle. It wasn't her home anymore, it was a reminder of unaccomplished goals and hurt. She went back to the apartment she called her home and packed up the little stuff she could carry and drove off. No destination in mind she just followed the road. That is how she got to sweet sunny Los Angeles, California.

Sam smelled an aroma of food coming from nearby and it caused her stomach to awaken and growl making it aware that she wanted some food.

"Hmm Mama Hungry," she said to her motorcycle. Sam decided to follow her nose turning the corner onto another street. Bingo! Found it. Smiling to herself at the sight of a food truck. Sam pulled up next to the sidewalk getting off her bike and walking over to the vendor to ask about how good their burritos were. After much thought from her stomach she settled on buying a jumbo sized burrito. Before handing Sam her burrito the man asked if she was from iCarly she nodded yes and grabbed the burrito hoping he wouldn't push forward with more questions. She didn't want the memories of them together to flush over her.

"I'M STOPPING MY VEHICLE!" said a young redheaded girl from across the street. Sam didn't know what to notice first...was it the red hair, the girly voice, or the insane pink bike with a speaker attached to it?

Well this might be entertaining. Sam drifted along the sidewalk and leaned up against a nearby post to get a better view of the redhead. The girl talked to some little children and got pushed into a trashcan. Sam couldn't believe it and she had trouble stopping the laughter escaping her. The sight of small children pushing her into a trashcan was crazy how could a teenage girl be getting bullied by children half her age. It was such a hilarious sight. She must be really weak to have been put into a trashcan by kids. Sam never had a good relationship with kids they always seemed to be afraid of her but that didn't affect her because she didn't really like them either. They were always whining, crying, and eating her food.

The blonde was about to turn away when a cat appeared out of the trashcan in the arms of the mystery girl. So I guess she isn't being bullied...lame. Turning once more to leave for good she started the walk back to her bike when she heard the roaring of a garbage truck slowing to a stop near the trashcans. She hoped the girl got out soon but realized that she had ducked back down inside the belly of the trashcan. Is she really that dumb! Hitting her head with her hand Sam took another bite out of her burri-battery?

"Why the heck is this here?" Tossing the battery to the side she looked towards the red headed chick noticing that she still had not gotten out and was slowly being raised up by the truck. The machine was getting ready to dunk her into its metal stomach.

"HEY! HEY YOU! STOP, YOUR TRUCK JUST ATE A GIRL!" Shouting wasn't getting the driver's attention at all and Sam knew she was going to have to make an important decision. She looked back and forth between the burrito and the truck. "Ughh...I'll miss you burrito. But I swear someone is buying me a new one." Sprinting quickly to the truck she grabbed onto the ladder climbing up and jumping in to find the strange girl who intrigued her in someway.

"HEY! RED WHERE ARE YOU!" Sam shouted as soon as she was inside the garbage truck. Man it sure smelled horrible in here all she knew was that she needed to find the girl and then find a shower to wipe the stench away. She wasn't even fully confident that just one shower would do it. Looking around she spotted some shoes kicking randomly in the air and some beautiful long legs...Mmm mama like...Sam shook her head trying to erase the dirty thought away. Maybe a shower will clean up her thoughts to. Making a clear path through the trash was harder than it should have been but it lead her straight to the struggling girl. As soon as she was in Sam's grasp she flipped her over and the redhead began to laugh.

"That was so much FUN!" She shouted taking Sam by surprise because she as almost oblivious of the fact that she could have gotten hurt or worse died. Sam starred at her noticing her feature. Her red hair like a velvet cupcake, big brown eyes like a cute puppy dog, and her voice ditsy and bubbly...two things that Sam disliked but for some reason she didn't mind.

"You're Sam! From iCarly!" yelled the girl in a high pitched voice full of excitement like she had just met her celebrity crush or something.

"Uh yes, now can we maybe get out-" Sam started but was interrupted which she absolutely hated.

"I didn't know you lived in this garbage truck!" What's up with this girl maybe she really is that air headed. "I don't live here I came to rescue you, you nub!" Sam scowled thinking again about what would have happened if she had stayed with her burrito.

"I need rescuing? Oh like a princess? Wait what's wrong with me? Am I in trouble...oh-oh no...I get scared when i'm in trouble, and when i'm scared I faint!" she was panicking that much Sam could see. Deciding if she should calm the girl by talking or slapping went through Sam's mind but in the end she decided that the nicer one seemed fitting for the current situation since she didn't want the girl to do anything crazy. Sam looked towards the escape ladder and sighed not knowing how she would approach the other girl.

"Hey calm down you aren't going to-" before she could even finish she was holding the redhead in her hands. Great just what I need right now. Sam grabbed the girl shifting her so she could get a better hold and move easier while going up the ladder. The truck slowed and Sam yelled out to the driver who soon rushed out shocked to see two girls climbing out of his truck. "Stop starring and help me get her down will ya!"

"Oh yes, yes my apologies." He grabbed the girl from Sam's hands and began to offer a hand up to her but it was kicked away before she jumped onto the sidewalk landing perfectly.

"What are you still doing here? Don't you have a job to do? RAWW!" The man ran to his truck and sped off in fear of the small blonde-haired girl. Sam started to walk away before remembering the girl she had gone through all this trouble to save. Oh yeah her...whoops. What am I supposed to do now? I can't just leave her. Sam looked around for a second pondering the idea but she knew she couldn't do that to this innocent girl. Why was she even being so nice to a girl she had just met anyways? The normal Sam, the one that wasn't dazed by the beauty of the girl on the floor, would have just left without a second thought. Ever since she laid eyes on her she had been feeling a bit off from normal...whatever "normal" was. She's been doing to much all she wanted was to relax. Searching the area she noticed a leaf blower and decided that it was good enough, she ran over to it picking it up and returned to the spot the girl was passed out on. Sam began waving the leaf blower at the redhead. The girl under her shuffled and gasped letting out adorable squeaks that Sam's ears were picking up. With a flip of a switch the machine was off and Sam was helping the girl onto her feet.

"You saved me!" hugging Sam as hard as she could "you're like a prince charming except you're a girl!" she smiled so wide showing a cute dimple on her cheek. This girl just gets more and more adorable, but if she keeps hugging me we're going to have some problems. Sam pushed her away and put on a serious face "1 I'm not a hugger, 2 You smell, and 3 I really need to rinse off."

"You can shower at my Nona's!" a little confused at what a "Nona" was Sam didn't think twice about accepting the offer.

"Oh but my bike? and yours to?" Sam began to look in the direction she believed they had come from.

"It's okay we can get them later. It'll still be there...I think." The other girl said tilting her head in confusion. They continued walking not to far from where they were to some apartment complex that Sam assumed the girl lived in. Maybe she'll find out what a Nona is.

And there is chapter one. I didn't realize how much time it would take to transfer my story over because my perfectionist side decided to reread and tweak it a bit. So hope you enjoy. I will be updating the rest and also a new chapter as well. Sorry for the wait.

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