Together Forever?

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Walking down the hall hand in hand Cat was pointing out lockers that belonged to her and her friends. "Sam it would be awesome if you went to school here to...that way I could be with you all day!" Sam laughed and brought the red head closer.

"I'll think about it...I have to keep those other people away from you somehow so I guess being with you would show them you're mine." Kissing Cat's forehead they continued through the hall together. "Hey do you want to race? We are going up the stairs and down the hall." Sam smiled challenging the other girl not expecting her to take her up on the little competition.

"Loser has to give the winner whatever they want for the whole day!" Cat winked joining in and making things a little more interesting.

"Deal get ready to make me some meatballs Cat."

"Ready...Set." With those two words Cat took off leaving Sam behind to get a headstart.

"Hey you're playing dirty." Sam ran easily catching up and turning to give the other girl a wink. It was easy to get past the smaller girl and after the stairs Sam was in the lead and put good distance between her and Cat. She made it all the way to the door that led to the roof before she realized that Cat was a little too far away. Walking back down the hall she had just ran through she paused at the top of the stairs noticing that Cat had been stopped by that nerd with his perverted puppet. She knew about his crush on Cat thanks to what Jade had told her about him but she was confident that Cat wouldn't accept any offers from him because they were finally happy together so she just let him have this little to talk with her but if he got out of hand she would definitely put him in his place. Leaning against the wall she just listened for a little to what he had to say to her girlfriend.

"Cat you know she isn't a good match for you. I'm nothing but sweet and I'll always take care of you...She just left her home, family, and friends what makes you think she wouldn't easily leave you to? I can make you happy and I will always be there for you. So please."


"Please give me a chance stop playing with me and giving me hope and crushing it the next moment when you decide to go and be with someone else. Someone you don't even know anything about. Just at least kiss me and tell me you don't feel anything for me!"

"Robbie you're scaring me. You know i'm with Sam she makes me happy and she'll always be here to take care of me. I love her! And she would never leave me! Why can't you understand that I don't see you as anything more than a good friend..." Cat was shifting from foot to foot nervously looking towards Robbie as Sam's eyes had opened wider at the last thing she heard the red head say.

She loves me...a girl like her ditzy, happy, and bubbly loves a monster like me. This is really like a beauty and the beast story. Well looks like it's time for this beast to save the beauty.

Sam ran down the stairs not letting this conversation continue any further. "The only thing you'll be kissing is that puppet of yours." Sam said holding back her anger and fists before she did something she would regret. "I'm not going to hurt her." Sam grabbed a hold of Cat's hand and led her up the stairs this time not letting go of her hand until they were up the stairs leaving a speechless Robbie standing at the bottom. "Don't worry I'm going to take care of her I would never think of just disappearing and leaving her was a blessing that I found her while I was running away from the darkness I felt was taking over my life...she's made me nothing but happy and I'm an even better person than I've ever been and it's all thanks to Cat!"

Turning to Cat she gave her a genuine smile getting a little teary but only Cat could see this because of how close they were now. "Cat you've taught me what it feels like to be loved again...and you've shown me that my feelings for you could only be described in one word." Sam continued down the hall to the surprise she had waiting. Cat was tight in her grasp and once they reached the door and walked up the steps they were both anxious and excited to see what would happen next.

Sam turned the handle and opened the door revealing the beautiful sight. Cat didn't know what to take in first her eyes scanned the whole area from the delicate rose petals sprawled on the floor, the lit candles letting their light glow over the area, and the food! Pancakes, fresh fruit, and of course Sam's personal touch pizza smoothies. Her favorite part of the picnic was Mr.Purple dressed up in a little tux like he was their own personal butler.

"Sam it's amazing! You can see the whole town from here and the roses and flowers are so ahhh flowery! The candles are so so romantic and all the food looks so delicious!" Cat threw herself into Sam pushing her against the ledge of the roof.

"Whoa there Red calm down I can't enjoy this date with you if you ran me off the edge." Sam smiled chuckling lightly holding onto the redhead tightly. No matter how many times they're together Cat never ceased to give Sam butterflies not that she'd ever admit that to anyone and would be so reluctant to even tell Cat because she could never keep a secret.

"Hey Sam? Earlier you said that what you felt for me could be described in one word."
"Yeah..." Sam gulped nervously remembering what she said to Robbie and Cat.
"What is it..." Cat looked up at Sam looking for the answer hoping she could see it in her ocean blue eyes or hear it whisper out of her girlfriend's soft lips. "...the word?"
"Ohh...I-I umm well you see...the w-word..." Dammit I don't stutter get yourself together!...I can't get hurt again but I know Cat wouldn't hurt me...

Sam bit down on her cheek causing it to bleed a little. Cat could feel the blonde tensing in her arms causing her to bring one of her hands up to the other girl cupping her face and calming her down. She pulled Sam's face back so their eyes could meet she could see the worry in the blondes eyes. "Come on Sammy." Cat let out sweetly bringing her face closer to Sam's ear so that she was whispering into it.

Sam gulped shocked at how assertive Cat was being like she'd gained the courage Sam seemed to have lost. Within a blink of her eyes Cats lips were on Sams cheek not moving away just tenderly leaving themselves in place.
"Love." Sam let out loud enough for Cat to hear it clearly. "I love you Cat I never thought I could feel this way towards anyone...b-but you're like my weakness you brought down my tough exterior and made me such a mushy mess. I know that we haven't known each other for long but i genuinely love every bit of you as a person and I want to be with you for as long as you-"
Cats lips left a blushing hot spot on the blonde girls face.
"Even if it's forever Puckell?" Cat smiled showing off her perfect dimple.

"Well's Puckett and two if forever is what you want it's what you'll get." Sam smiled bringing Cat even closer. She could smell the sweet scent of vanilla coming off of the smaller girl and she loved it. Looking at her she could see Cat's beautiful brown eyes full of hope for their future together. It didn't take her long to close the distance between their lips because of how close they had been already.

She was consumed with vanilla and strawberry from Cat's lip gloss and perfume she could get used to kissing her girlfriend if it was this yummy. Sam flipped them around and with a soft thud Cat was flat against the door they had come through she was extra careful not to hurt the red head. Cats hands moved up to encircle Sam's neck as she pulled her closer deepening the kiss and Sam's hands moved down grasping onto Cats waist. They could feel their noses brushing each other and their lips moving faster against each other but not losing their soft tenderness. Sam slowly licked the bottom of Cat's lips asking for entrance which Cat happily gave letting out a small squeak when Sam's tongue battled hers for dominance. She knew it wasn't a battle she could win but heck it was fun trying and she'd have plenty of times to practice.

Sam pulled away a little resting her forehead against Cat's as they both attempted to get some oxygen they didn't realize they were needing.

"That was amazing...I really like kissing you Sam." Cat panted out "I haven't had much experience with these kinds of things but I'm glad I have you to make me comfortable with things like this." Sam let out a laugh at how innocent Cat was.

"I love-" A growl of Sam's stomach ruined her sweet confession making Cat burst out into giggles pushing Sam down into a chair that was setup at the cute little eating area she had setup for their date.

"You to Sammy! Now let's eat we can't have you starving on our next practice session." Cat smiled and winked leaving the blonde speechless.

"Ohh Miss Innocent doesn't seem to be so innocent after all." Sam let out leaning over the short distance to leave a quick kiss on Cats forehead.

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