Candy Robes and Vanilla Scents

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Here we go to chapter two. Sit down relax get comfy and travel to the world of Puckentine.

Steam masked the room and the water landed gently on her skin rolling off and making its way to the drain. How did I get myself into this...i don't even know her name. Sam recollected her memories to this very exact moment in time to figure out why she had ended up with this overly cheerful and peppy girl.

As soon as the girl awoke she thanked Sam with a tight embrace and quickly offered her a shower back at her place. They made their way down a couple of street and finally arrived and entered her apartment, it was furnished with pretty outdated stuff, which shocked Sam but she was just there to take a shower and then go. She didn't intend to stay any longer than she had to.

Sam turned off the water and began to dry off realizing her clothes were gone and in there place was a crazy pink robe that seemed to have been vomited on by a rainbow. This is turning into a nightmare. Maybe she is actually a psycho killer and I just didn't realize. She couldn't help but feel enraged in the robe decorated with crazy little candy pictures. "Hey! When can I get my clothes and get out of here?" she yelled as she made her way down the hall and into the kitchen where the girl was standing. Wet hair glistening a darker shade of red and her face flawless. Sam awaited the girl's reply while watching her silently; she was able to catch a hold of the blonde's attention immediately before they even met no one has every been able to do that. It scared Sam. This new feeling she wasn't sure what it meant or how to stop it.

"Um well they'll be done when my Nona gets back and shows me how to use the dryer." the redhead said as she poured drinks for herself and Sam.

"So red you know my name but what's yours?" Sam asked as she made her way towards the refreshing drink.

"Cat." she muttered quietly, which seemed strange to Sam because the girl hasn't been quiet since they met. Well she was quiet when she was passed out but once awoken Sam couldn't get her to shut up so eventually she began to tune her out giving nods and occasional "uh-huhs" to make it seem like she was paying attention. Sam was doing it right now thinking to herself while Cat was talking about her brother eating her charm bracelet as background noise. She shook her head and took a sip of the drink.

"I can't stand being in this any longer. When is your Nona thing getting here?" Sam let out a sigh of frustration and went to go examine something over on the counter. She just needed to be away from Cat. Even being a little close made Sam feel strange and her skin started to warm up.

"I'm not really sure I think she's babysitting today so maybe in a bit," Cat said as she walked over to the couch. There was a knock and a little man with curly hair came through the door. He reminded Sam of a short Hobbit but she decided not to comment aloud.

"Hey Cat. How's it going?" the boy said out loud as he sat down and unloaded his backpack with baggies of hair. "Whoa are you Sam from iCarly" he said excitedly a he reached for an empty baggie and a pair of scissors. "Can I have a lock of your hair?"

"Nope I'm not her! She's way more attractive." Sam said as she looked through the fridge for some food.

"She is Sam." Cat laughed looking at the blonde. "Sam this is Dice." Cat said with a smile on her face as she turned to look over to the girl who was now raiding her fridge. She got a weird feeling in her tummy as she looked at her savior.

"Whoa you're so awesome you have to give me some hair to sell!" he pleaded with big puppy dog eyes and scissors still in hand.

"Not happening kiddo maybe another time but thanks I am pretty awesome." Sam let out a smirk and glanced up towards Cat noticing that her eyes were on her. They made eye contact and neither one could look away. It was making their tummies do flips and both the girls didn't understand what was happening. Somehow they knew that they were feeling the same way because as Sam looked at Cat she could see a pinkish glow forming creating an adorable blush. It was the same for Sam, she'd deny it if anyone mentioned but she could feel her cheeks getting warmer.

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