Stolen Bibble

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This chapter will be following * drum roll * Cat! Be prepared for some stealing and interrogating. Here is some rope you might need it. * Hands rope *

"Hey Beck have you seen Cat? She was supposed to be here early so we could rehearse some lines." Andre asked as he sat down on the stairs next to his good friend. Before Beck could answer Sinjin ran over and glanced back and forth between the two.

"You guys are friends with Cat right?" He asked squirming like he was uncomfortable in his own skin; he was always squirmy though so it was nothing new to them. Andre and Beck both gave him a nod, interested about what he had to say about their red headed friend. "I saw her getting off a motorcycle with a mysterious blonde...I couldn't tell who it was but I saw some serious sexual tension between them. I've never seen her smile so gorgeously mmm what I'd do to just-"

"Uh dude that's enough! You're getting a little bit freaky...come on Beck let's go see little red and find out who this special someone is." They took off after Sinjin pointed to where he had last seen Cat. Her bright hair gave her away immediately but by the time they caught up she was in the girl's bathroom.

Tori and Jade were walking down the hall talking when they spotted the two boys lurking around the girls' restrooms. "I'll get my scissors." Jade said her voice cracking a little from trying to be calm.

"I think there is a perfect explanation as to why they are being creepers Jade. Just stay calm and release the scissors." Tori attempted to get the girl to let them go but she wasn't successful.

"Beck you better run!" Jade yelled at the boy down the hall. As soon as he looked up to meet her gaze he threw his hands up as if to tell her he was innocent. She launched after him but he just grabbed her in a hold telling her to calm down while shuffling over to the lockers with Andre and Tori following. He filled them in on the information that Sinjin had shared about Cat. She has always been pretty private about this stuff but this time their interests were sparked. They just needed to know and they'd do anything to find out so the investigation began.

"Hey you're Cat right? I heard about your hot lover giving you a ride to school on a motorcycle." The girl winked and turned toward Cat.

"Yes I'm Cat! Meow. Wait my what? You mean Sam?" She was confused and not sure what to think. "Where did you hear that from?"

"Oh Sinjin is telling everyone he even made a Slap video. I bet your friends are upset because you haven't told them anything." The girl laughed and walked out of the restroom leaving Cat more confused then normal.

Exiting the restroom Cat didn't even notice her friends huddling by the lockers and they didn't notice her either. I can't believe they think Sam is my least she got the hot part right. A smile grew on her face and she looked down giving all her attention to her phone. She wanted to text Sam but she wasn't sure what to say and so she settled for 'Hey babe thanks for the ride. ;]' Satisfied with it she hit send and walked on to class before the bell rang.

"Hey Robbie and Rex. Isn't today just so happy! Even the clouds are smiling!" The red head said as she sat down next to her friend. They talked until a hush was heard directed towards them by the teacher indicating that the lesson was about to start. Class wasn't that eventful nothing exciting happened and it seemed like all Cat did was look from the board to her phone every other minute waiting for a reply from a specific beautiful blonde. She was glad that Robbie hadn't heard the news yet but just to be safe she knew she had to avoid her friends...just for today. Cat and Robbie parted ways but before Cat could make her escape the teacher called her to talk. She was scolded for using her phone and was given a warning that next time she did her phone would get taken away. Her memories went back to the time that her phone was taken away by Sikowitz and she wasn't allowed to drove her insane she got a bit violent and ended up kicking Jade unconscious and smacking Beck in the head with a box.

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