chapter 7

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Itachi POV!!

Itachi had ignored his brothers comment and kissed hinata. She froze and squeaked in shock. He asked for entrance but hinata didn't move. So itachi pried her lips open with his and his tongue explored her mouth.

Hold on a sec, a good sasuke POV just came to me! So sasuke now!

As itachi made out with hinata they leaned on sasuke like he was a body pillow. Hinatas hand came to sasukes high, she dug her nails into his jeans, pleading he stop itachi as she didn't want to be kissed.

Sorry hina, itachi deserves his fair taste of ya. I'm just gonna play pillow for now. He thought in amusement.

When itachi pulled away from a frozen hinata she stared at him in shock. " just......" She squeaked.

"You were right sasuke. She is a funny one." Itachi said smiling in the uchihas devilish way.

Sasuke sighed, "you had to use me as a pillow didn't you?" He said in his casually annoyed way.

"Well I figured your comfy features might provide a better setting." Itachi mused ignoring the frozen in shock hinata between them.

"Man ita, your confident in saying that out loud." Sasuke said. He called people he liked or family by a nickname, and since itachi was his brother he decided ita was the way to go for him.

"Well, I am your older brother." Itachi paused before finishing. "Sasu."

"Hey, I've told you only chicks can call me that!" Sasuke said to his brother. "And the only chick I'll let call me sasu is little hina here." He finished gesturing to the still frozen girl leaning on his chest.

"Hn." Itachi huffed. "Hinata are you alright?"

Hinata let out a few squeaks in response.

Sasuke chuckled. "You can breathe hina." He whispered in her ear. "And ya can stop clawing my leg. It hurts."

She released her nails from in sasukes leg and squeaked as she sat up. "Itachi!" She finally said shakily.

"Yes, hinata?" The Uchiha replied casually like nothing awkward just happened.

"You just kissed me!" She finally announced.


"Your like 23 or something! I'm 17!" She squealed.


"We're 6 years apart!" She said.

"And I care why again? Your worth it." Itachi said. "Little kitten."

"'Little kitten'?" Sasuke raised a brow at his brother. "That's what you came up with?"

"Shut up sasuke." Itachi said with a glare at his little brother.

"Who the hell said I had to." Sasuke retorted with his own murderous glare to his brother.

"I did."

"Ha, and when did I start listening to you?" Sasuke spat. "Man I'm sorry but in what way is hina a little kitten?"

"The way she squeaks and is just so innocent like a little kitten." Itachi explain again completely ignoring hinata.

"Gah I'll give you that one." Sasuke admitted. "Little hina is still better though."

"Yeah yeah whatever sasuke." Itachi said smirking mischievously.

Next he surprised sasuke and poor hinata again by again kissing her. Again they leaned over with hinata again resting on sasukes chest.

Sasuke sighed in annoyance. Seriously?! You could've at leased let me leave, I mean damn you'd think I like watching my older brother make out with the chick I like. Geez. He thought.

Itachi made out with the again frozen hinata for a long while. Sasuke, still annoyed that his brother was using him as a big body pillow for hinata and him, was getting more annoyed at this. When itachi finally pulled away sasuke have him a murderous glare.

"Did you really have to do that!?" Sasuke asked him.


"Am I really that comfy of a pillow itachi? Cause judging by poor hina here she can't move." Sasuke gestured to the semi horrified hinata on his chest. She didn't move as if she were frozen.

"Well ask her." Itachi offered. "So tell us hinata, is sasuke a comfy pillow?"

"" She squeaked. Itachi got closer to her and she tried backing away, only to end up with her face beside sasukes.

"Really itachi your just scaring her." He said in an annoyed tone. He wrapped an arm around hinata and hoisted her up into a standing position. "Cmon I'll walk ya home."

"O...okay.....sasuke......" Hinata said as they hurried outside.

"God damn that itachi." Sasuke said locking the door behind him. "I'm sorry for him kissing you."

"He did what!?!?" A very annoying voice shrieked. Ino soon popped up from the bushes on the uchihas lawn. "Itachi Uchiha kissed you Hinata!!"


"But sasu he kissed hinata!"

"So did I! Now go the fuck away!" Sasuke hissed.

Ino quickly left in a scared way, thankfully. But when sasuke looked back at hinata she too was terrified.

"Uh, sorry for scaring you hina. Ino is just too annoying for a calm tone." Sasuke apologized. "Its hard to maintain a calm posture around her and that annoying Sakura."

" do know you said that you kissed me right?" Hinata managed to say.

Sasuke facepalmed himself, "god damn it! Now the entire school will know by tomorrow." He sighed. "Let's just go and deal with it best we can tomorrow."

"Um. Okay."

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