chapter 18

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(Man I'm sorry for that last thing, I felt I needed to "taunt" my readers. In the most sadistic and friendly and playful way of course. Oh and, for sasunaru fans, READ "NEVER TOO LATE" BY THEPERVYSAGE! ITS SO FUCKING HILARIOUS I GARANTEE YOU'LL CRY IN LAUGHTER AND POSSIBLY PISS YOUR PANTS IN LAUGHTER! SO READ IT OR ELSE!!!!! ehem, sorry for the outburst. It really is a funny book though. So yeah, don't bother with this book anymore and read that one. Bye bye for now!)

Oh and I have an idea so let's just say that sasuke, itachi, and little Hina ran out of the ball. That's for this time skip which was provided by: "never too late" by ThePervySage

Sorry, also, sasuke POV

That was too close. And what is he doing in the akatsuki anyway!? Oh he must be part of the criminal unit used to gain Intel on various enemy battle plans and such. Sasuke thought when the three reached the uchiha estate. Itachi unlocked the door and stepped aside to let sasuke and Hinata through.

He and Hinata sat on the two-seater couch while itachi sat on the chair nearby.  Sasuke pulled Hinata closer to him because he didn't want itachi to try anything, even if he were sitting in a chair across the living space.

"Okay so explain to me why we had to run out again?" Itachi said still panting slightly after the run home.

Sasuke spoke, "you remember how Tsunade had called me and Hina to her mansion when you two met? Well on the mission she gave us deidara came and kidnapped her and apparently decided to have "fun" with her." He explained.

"So wait he raped her?" Itachi asked as if Hinata wasn't in the room.

A very visable anger mark showed on sasukes forehead. "No you dumbass! He was pretty close though. I stopped him as he was making out with her embedded in a tree. I must've been too raged to tell he had a cloak." He said annoyed, his eyebrow twitching. "Even if he had he wouldn't have been at the party, because I would've most definitely killed him."

Hinata blushed in embarrassment, and tried hiding it as she buried her head into sasukes arm. He relaxed and couldn't help but chuckle at her.

See ita? I told ya she was mine. See how comfortable she is around me? Where as all you do is embarrass and scare her. Sasuke wanted to desparately say, but held his tongue.

"Well it is late. Let's all just change and get to bed okay?" Itachi said. Until loud rumbles were heard in the room as everyone's stomachs ached for food.

"I guess eating should be the first thing to do." Sasuke chuckled.

"What to do for dinner?" Itachi muttered.

"We could go out?" Hinata suggested as she regained most of her composure. "Its a nice night after all..."

"That does sound nice. But where?" Sasuke said.

"Might as well be someplace fancy. Save for getting changed which could take forever." Itachi said. Another round of rumbles was heard and sasuke did feel increasingly hungry.

"I am quite hungry." Sasuke nodded and shrugged. Helping Hinata up the three exited the house and walked the streets of konoha in the more formal places to dine.

"Here seems nice." Hinata said as she pointed to a restaurant called Final Falls.

(Name was inspired by a fancy shmancy restaurant called "River Falls" and thought of the the Final Valley and remember there us a waterfall so yeah, Final Falls came up. Sorry back to the long awaited chap!)

"Let's go in." Itachi said.

(Sorry it was short. It'll be worth it since I felt this chap sucked like hell.)

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