chapter 8

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(Should I make this really long? This as in the story, I'm thinking I should make it like 58 parts of entertaining itahina and sasuhina stuff. Whattaya think? Good or bad idea? Comment what ya think! See ya my kitties!

Random sebastian appears


"Oh hello sebastian! How's it been?"


"Yes I have cats."

"May I pet one?"


He smiles in a creepy devilish way that makes me smile, "yay! I love cats!"

"I know..."

Heh heh I just had to throw in a little black butler tease. I just read most of volume 5 so I couldn't resist. Okay now see ya!)

Time skip to tomorrow

And over to hina now!

I woke up quickly and got ready to go to school, it was still very early but I hadn't finished some of the biology homework so I decided I'd get there really early to finish it. Plus it would give me time to forget what itachi did the day before.

While walking I shuttered at the memory, stopping I took a deep breath, "man its been a strange few days." I said softly to myself.

"Yes I has." Said a voice placing a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped up and had dropped all my stuff, granted it was all my homework, it fell everywhere in the deserted street. "S...sasuke!" I stammered.

Sasuke chuckled, "sorry for scaring ya hina." He bent down and helped me gather my stuff. But of course with my luck a paper blew away in the wind.

"Damn it!" I said irritated as I chased after it.

Sasuke and I ran for a while before the paper landed on someone's face, that someone being the boy naruto.

"What's this?" The blonde asked himself pulling the paper off his face.

"Oh, naruto, that's my homework." I said to him in heavy breaths. "Could I have it back please?"

"Yeah, here you go." Naruto said giving me the paper. He looked at sasuke with sad eyes filled with pain. "See ya later guys." He said depressingly and walked away sluggishly.

"Well now you've got your homework, shall we continue?"

"Yeah, let's go."

On a field on school grounds sasuke and I sat on some soft grass under an oak tree. Well I sat, sasuke plopped himself on the ground and layed back nonchalantly.

"Ah finally, away from my brother." The Uchiha mused as if he were tired.

"Your oddly cheerful." I joked.

"Yes well when your brother boasts about how he kissed the only girl who doesn't fangirl annoyingly it can put one on edge." Sasuke said now annoyed at the memory of itachi.

"I wouldn't know, my sister hanabi isn't too talkative. She just stays in her room."

"Wanna trade lives?" Sasuke joked. "Then again itachi wouldn't exactly care if you were family, he'd still hit on you and stuff."

"Um, I guess your right." I agreed. "Then again I don't think it'd be too great being the most popular girl in the village."

"Not when your so venerable." Sasuke teased.

"'Venerable?'" I questioned.

Sasuke then pinned me to the ground so I couldn't escape. "Your easy to manipulate, easy to get to, and most of all easy to sneak up on." He said as his body was close to mine. "Most anyone could get you if they wanted. They could easily take advantage of you."

Sasuke made a point. I'd be too frozen in shock to react, as I was now.  But I smirked and flipped us over, me now on him and pinning him to the ground. "Gotchya." I teased.

"Because I let you."

"What the!!" Said two annoying voices. "Sasuke is the uke?!?!"

It was Ino and Sakura running towards us.I got off of sasuke and he sat up as his two fangirls stopped in front of us.

"Sasu what's going on!" Ino shrieked.

"Explain this now!" Sakura preasured.

Sasuke sighed. "First, never call me sasu. Second, I am not the uke here. I was proving a point to little hina here and she reversed the position to show she wasn't completely venerable." He said very annoyed.

"'Little Hina!' Why did you call her 'little hina'?"

"Because that's my nickname for her. Now go the hell away!" Sasuke snapped.

"But sasu! We want to have nicknames too!" They both whinned.

"Fine, Ino your bitch 1, Sakura your bitch 2." Sasuke said with a smirk of hatred.

"That's mean!" Ino said and the two ran away.

"God they're annoying." Sasuke sighed. "It'll come to bite me in the ass later, I'd bet my life on it."

It was still dark, and the school hadn't even opened yet, so sasuke and I walked around campus.

"Well there's a sight to be had." Sasuke said looking at Ino and Sakura who approached them. "Hello bitches one and two."

"Sasu we told everyone." They mocked.

"About what?" I asked them shakily.

"Two things. First, about itachi kissing you and sasuke kissing you. Second, about earlier when sasu was the uke." Ino said while they both smirked.

"And soon everyone in the village will know." Sakura said.

An anger mark was clearly visible on sasukes forehead. "You both did WHAT now?!"

"You heard." They said in unison.

"Oh no." I muttered as I could see sasuke getting shaky in anger. "Um, I think it best you both leave."

"Why?" They asked.

Sasuke could blow up any minute. Oh I can't believe I'm doing this! I said to my self as I tapled sasukes shoulder so he would turn to me. Once he did I stood closer to him and I connected our lips. Sasuke was surprised for the first few seconds but he either saw my plan or just really wanted to kiss me as he kissed me back. Wrapping his arms around a me and pulling me closer he asked for entrance. Which I gave him as I could feel the two still watching us. We made it obvious we were making out and thankfully the two backed away. But we continued, knowing the two were still watching. The kiss got harder as we continued but we finally stopped.

Pulling away sasuke spoke, "well that was unexpected." He said with a smirk.

"It was either kiss you or watch while you hurt those two girls." I said stepping away.

(Before I forget you guys must must must check out "my our an love" because I've read what's out so far and I love it so so so so much. Please read it, its in my library and it doesn't have many views, and I want it to have as many as possible. So yeah check it out!)

"Well if its worth anything I like both." Sasuke shrugged as if what he just said was completely casual.

"Um......" I said slowly. I mean so would anyone who was just told they liked kissing you and killing two people right?

the hyuga and the uchihas (sasuxhinaxita fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now