chapter 20

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Hinata POV

I woke up and instantly remembered last night.


"Hey Hinata." Sasuke said to grab my attention.

"Yeah sasuke?" I replied.

Sasuke walked up to me. "Close your eyes." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just close your eyes okay?" He said. "I want to try something."

"Uh........okay." I said slowlyI closed my eyes as told. But immediately they widened. As sasuke pressed his lips on mine.

But even though I was surprised, I melted into the kiss, wrapping my arms over Sasuke's shoulders and around his neck he wrapped his arms around my waist. Pulling me closer and deepening the kiss. He slid his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I gave him. The kiss was passionate, gentle, but at the same time longed. I could tell sasuke has been waiting for me to kiss back like this, but at the same time, in a few ways, I had been as well. I'm not exactly sure why, but I feel like I've been waiting to kiss sasuke.

What is this feeling? I thought whilst sasuke brought me closer, the kiss becoming slightly more forceful.

End of flashback

What was that feeling? I thought. I pondered over some reasons. There was the fact he stole my first kiss, no that seems off topic now. But on that same mission, I remembered a longing feeling, how my body automatically wanted sasuke. Until he thankfully stopped it.

Perhapse I have a crush on sasuke. I then thought, a slight blush creeping over my face because the teen was right behind me, sleeping. He's smart, talented, quite beautiful I'll admit, he's understanding, and not as much of a jerk as some would think when you get to know him. He can be nice, and pretty much a good guy.

But then my mind ran over to something sasuke said. About how he and itachi are "fighting" to with  me over. Sasuke with the more gentle approach and itachi the more forceful.

But perhapse he just doesn't know the right approach. He could be just going with what comes to him. He doesn't really know me as well as sasuke because he doesn't spend that much time around me. I took what I knew about the long haired uchiha and thought. He's also smart, talented, he can be understanding, and now that I think about it. He too is quite cute. He too can be nice at times and is overall a good guy.

But if it were to come down to me choosing. Who would it be? This question raced at my mind all day. From now when I'm waking up, to lunch while sasuke, itachi, and I were eating ramen at ichiraku.

"....ta.....Hinata. Yo, earth to Hinata." Sasuke's voice called as I was pulled from my thoughts.

"Hmm? Sorry, what was it?" I said.

"I asked you if you wanted to see a movie, with itachi and me. We've nothing better to do." Sasuke said.

"Oh, s-sure." I stuttered.

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