chapter 2

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As I was walking in Mr. Hudgens room I let my mind drift to thoughts of who this new teacher could be. Apparently he was really good looking and all the girls were freaking out over him. Even as I was walking down the hall to his room I noticed girls giggling more than usual and looking in the direction of his room. I might as well get this over with I thought to myself as I was opening his door.

I walked in to the empty classroom quickly and took a seat in the back row hoping to go unnoticed which was kind of stupid being as theirs no one in here, or so I thought.

While I waited for the rest of the class to show up, I started to look around the class room and that’s when I caught him staring at me with a look of amusement.  

“What are you doing here?” I shouted at him louder than I needed to. This was the same guy from Starbucks that was being mean to me!

“I’m your new chemistry teacher Mr. Hudgens, that’s why I’m at the desk.” he retorted arrogantly.

Blushing profusely at my ignorance I said “oh right.”

Suddenly he busted out laughing and said “help me grab the assignment for today in the supply closet before the rest of the class comes in.”

 “Why should I help you? You were being mean at Starbucks and now you’re ordering me to help you?! No thanks!”

“Well miss… what’s your name again?” he suddenly clicked a few times on his computer and kept talking as if he was never interrupted by his lack of knowing my name. “Ahh yes miss savannah block, well as I was saying miss block, you can either help me grab the text books or meet me after class for detention.” he said clearly satisfied he’d won the argument.

“Fine.” I replied dejectedly. As I walked into the supply closet after him he suddenly closed the door after me and locked it.

I let out a startled sort of scream choke and was about to protest that closing the door to get worksheets was inappropriate when he suddenly pushed me back against the wall with both his hands on either side of my head, leaned down very close to my face and said in a very quiet voice, “before I put you to work I’d just like to know one thing. Why did you run off this morning? You owe me a new shirt remember.” He said with a wink that (might I add) was very sexy.

“ab yyy you… you were going to make me late for class…” I couldn’t speak so well with his sweet breath so close to my face like this. His lips only inches from mine. All I had to do was reach up a little and kiss them. Wait what? What are you thinking? He’s your teacher. Stop it savannah!

“I could’ve given you a pass.” He answered.

“I didn’t know you were a teacher here. Today is the first day I’ve seen you here, how was I supposed to know.” I said hotly.

“you didn’t ask.’’ He replied.

‘’it’s not my fault though, you don’t just randomly ask people if their teachers.” I said slightly bored now with the conversation.

“That’s beside the point. You still owe me a shirt, now what are we going to do about that.” He said more talking to himself than me. “I’ll decide later and let you know, how about that? For now let’s get these books before people start to get suspicious.’’ He said, suddenly dropping his hands and leaving me against the wall alone to go grab what I imagine are the papers off a shelf.

“Umm sure” I said slightly confused. We’d been in here almost 10 minutes and I don’t think I ever heard the bell ring. I was probably so concentrated talking to Mr. Hudgens to register anything other than his perfect face or his lips being so close. “When you walk out act normal and just hand out the assignment.” He said suddenly serious.

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