Chapter 5

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It was the next day and I was wonder why am I in the hospital. The doctor walks in and I ask him.

"Why am I in the hospital?" Then Soda walks in.

"Because you where pregnant and had a kid yesterday." The doctor answered.

"WHAT!" They both yell at the same time.


"Because we gave you pills and they put you to sleep and you forgot everything that happened." The doctor said.

"Baby it's going to be okay I promise and now we have a reasons to get married," Soda said scared but happy.

"MARRIED!" Annabelle said freaking out.

"I'll give you guys sometime alone," The doctor said leaving the room and shutting the door.

"MY PARENTS ARE GOING TO KILL ME! Oh, Soda why didn't we know I..... I don't want my parents to know, Soda!" Annabelle bursts out crying.
"Babe I'm sorry and your parents won't find out until you are ready to tell them," Soda said trying to keep Annabelle calm.

"Soda, you don't understand you just don't know what I'm going through. Its just went everything is going well with my parents and then when my parents find out they are going to kill me. And they already want to kill me because I moved out at sixteen instead of nineteen or twenty. Soda, what do I do?" Annabelle said crying.

"Annabelle, I don't know baby but all I can say is don't tell you parents until you are ready. Don't preacher yourself to tell them. When you are ready to tell them I will be there with you so you won't be alone when you do," Soda said calmly.

"Thanks baby that means a lot," Annabelle said a lot happier. Then the doctor comes back in and says,

"Annabelle, because your baby is going to be premature we will have to do a c-section ASAP!" So as they got the room ready the gang went in the room to hear the news.

"So man, what wrong with her?" Two-Bit asked.

"Nothing's wrong, but she is pregnant," Soda said excitedly.

"Man, I didn't think you had it in you!" Dallas said playfully.

"Come on, Dal it's not the time. They are getting are room ready for Annabelle for because she has something wrong with her stomach and her stomach isn't healing like it should." Soda said annoyed. Then the doctor came in and said,

"Okay, we are going to take Annabelle into the room everyone will have to in the waiting room. Soda, if you want you can stay in here until she comes back?"

"Okay I'll stay here and wait," Soda said softly. Everyone left the room and Soda went and sat in a chair and fell asleep. Then an hour later the doctor walks in and Annabelle is following him, but she is still asleep.

Annabelle has to in for another surgery today because her stomach isn't healing right for some reason so they are going to fix it. I'm kinda nerves on what they are going to do to her and if she is going to be able to get out of the hospital any time soon. I'm just going to fall asleep for awhile.

The doctor wakes up Soda and says,

"You ready for the good news?" Then, Annabelle wakes up and she says,

"Well what's the good news?"

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