Chapter 7

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(OoOoOoOoOoh flashback)

I jumped off the step from the bus to the sidewalk with glee, giving a wave to the bus driver whom I considered my friend. He waved with a smile as the doors squeaked closed behind me and I rushed up to the front door.

I grabbed the key from the red lanyard around my neck and pressed it into the lock, struggling for a moment before it twisted to the left and I could push the door open. I pulled off my shoes and placed them gently beside the door, hanging my backpack on its designated hook.

"Mommy? Daddy?" I called out into our cavernous home, hearing no response.

"Hello?" I asked, leaning up the stairs and then peeking into my father's office. A rush of relief swept through me as I saw that he wasn't in there. I padded to the kitchen, sliding on the gleaming hardwood floor in my pink socks.

"They're not home, idiot," Bryce said from the dining room table to my left. I crossed my arms over my chest and stuck my lower lip out, fully prepared to pout until I noticed Bryce had a friend over. They leaned over a large poster, scratching words on it and crossing things out. Bryce's friend looked down at the poster with focus, biting his lip as he thought. My eyes widened and I zipped my lips shut as he turned my way, giving me a small smile. His hair was dark and hung over his head like the boys on Zack and Cody, making me gulp.

"Hi, I'm James," his friend said, giving me a little wave. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out, making Bryce laugh.

"This is my annoying little sister, Adeline," Bryce said, laughing as he saw the anger appear on my face.

"Nice to meet you, Addy," he said, ignoring Bryce. I smiled brightly back as big as I could and brushed my hair behind my ear.

"Hi," I managed to say.

"Get out of here. We're doing a project," Bryce said flippantly, brushing his chin as he considered what to do next.

"Guess what, Bryce?" I asked, ignoring him. "Today, Mrs. Speakman said I was the best helper in the whole room because I picked up all the pencils when we were done with our game!"

He looked at me and said "nice" in a bored tone. He asked James a question about what he should put, and I glared, waiting for a better response.

James looked up at me and smiled, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I bet you're an amazing helper," he said genuinely, before facing the table once more.

I turned on my heels immediately and slid out of the room and up towards my bedroom, crawling on all fours to race up to the top.

I jumped onto my pink canopy bed and plucked my teddy bear from his spot, holding him so he could look into my eyes.

"I think I'm in love, Teddy," I said very seriously, shocking my teddy bear as much as I shocked myself.

(OoOoOoOh flashback over) 

The same mouth that had smiled at me in the kitchen the first time we met was shaped like an "o" now, registering what had happened.

"Hi James," I said weakly, clasping my hands together and scanning his face. His eyes were the same warm brown they'd always been but his teeth were straightened and a gleaming white now. I could've sworn he had freckles as a kid but they were gone now, hidden on his slightly tan skin. 

"How can it be you?" he asked, reaching a hand up as if he was going to touch my cheek and then dropping it to his side.

"You're the one who moved!" I exclaimed, trying to sound playful and not accusing.

"But you were so little when I saw you last," he said, though he still towered over me now. 

"I wasn't that little," I said, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring.

His mouth spread into a huge smile, and he took a step forward before wrapping his arms around me and squeezing me into his chest. I waited stiffly for a moment before reaching my arms tentatively around him and hugging him back. I softly inhaled and breathed in the scent that I was starting to believe I imagined; something sharp and spicy that reminded me of sucking on a mint and then taking a sip of water. His cheek pressed onto the top of my head and then he pulled back, taking another look at me.

"I can't believe little Adeline is all grown up! You're in high school," he said as if I wasn't aware of that.

"You're a teacher!" I said, trying not to sound as awkward as I felt.

"How's Bryce doing?" he asked, eyes shining as he remembered his old friend.

"Don't you guys still talk?" I asked, thinking of the times I had seen his name light up on Bryce's phone.

"Not enough," he admitted, scratching the back of his head with one hand, and inadvertently flexing his arm muscle. I tried to keep my eyes focused on his face.

"Oh, well, he's good! He does computer science stuff now for a major technology company, doing some job that involves coding. I can never remember the official title," I admitted, making him chuckle.

"That's awesome! You know, when I was offered this job, I wondered if you guys still lived here. Maybe we can all get dinner sometime! Or would that be weird, since I'll be your teacher now?" he asked, brows furrowing with indecision.

"I think it would be okay," I replied with a squeak, shrugging my shoulders innocently.

"Great! I'll text Bryce, and see if we can plan something," he said with confidence.

"Okay!" I said, nodding once and walking towards the door. I paused with my hand on the handle before turning to give him a soft smile. "It's really good to see you again, James."

His eyes melted a little and he smiled his crooked smile, left cheek quirking up. A little dimple that I never noticed appeared in his cheek, directly above where his jaw angled upward.

"You too, Addy," he said warmly, before his eyes flickered with amusement. "But remember, it's Mr. Mason to you, now."

"Right. Bye... Mr. Mason," I said awkwardly, trying to conceal my embarrassment. Per usual, I didn't fool him for a second. He chuckled as I left the classroom, letting the door slam as I strode forcefully towards the front of the school. 

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