After closing the door, I pulled on a large,loose-fitting shirt with the Harley Davidson logo on it. It smelled like James.I tugged on the pair of gym shorts next, tightening the drawstring and tying itfirmly. They still slid down farther than I liked, hanging almost purposefullyoff my protruding hip bones.
I looked up into the mirror and appraised myself.
My black hair hung straight in dark, glossy strandsthat came down to my back. My makeup was heavily smudged due to the rain andtears so I washed it off in the sink until I was back to normal. My blue eyeswere wide and seemed fearful, but it probably appeared that way because I knewwhat brewed behind them.
The shirt was a dress and the shorts despicable, but I was grateful for the warmth of dry clothing. I left my shirt and skirt on the towel rack in the bathroom and treaded down the hall back to him. I slowly walked into the room and saw James watching an episode of Friends, chuckling at something Phoebe said. I kind of smiled because I'd never seen him that way at work. Teachers behind the scenes were always surprisingly and inexplicably human. He looked over his shoulder at me and smiled at me, calling me over with a jerk of his head.
I ran forward and leaped onto the couch beside him, an appropriate distance away, wiggling in place until I was comfortable. He let out an echoing laugh and I smiled sheepishly. I squinted my eyes when he said nothing.
"You know, we've been together for over an hour now and you have yet to make fun of me. New record?" I asked lightly, testing the waters. If he could tease, he wasn't overly worried about me.
"Aww, do you miss it kid?" he smirked arrogantly, mirroring my older brother.
"No way," I said, rolling my eyes. "Are we watching Friends?"
"We can," he said. "But we can also talk about what happened." His tone was sober, and his intent was clear. He wanted to know everything.
I dipped my head to look in my lap and he gasped abruptly.
"Addy! What the hell is that?" he asked, placing his hand on the tender part of my temple.
"Nothing!" I said in a panic, covering it and wincing when I pressed down too hard.
"It's a giant bruise. How did I not notice it earlier?" he asked. I groaned when I realized that the makeup had probably been concealing it.
"It's nothing, James. Really!" I looked up at him with my best innocent expression, but he wasn't buying it. He jumped up from the couch and sprinted to the kitchen. The ice machine made a loud sound as it filled an ice pack, which he then ran to me. He brushed back my hair with one hand and placed it against my face gingerly. I winced as it pressed against me, but the cloth wrapped around it made it more manageable.
"Ow," I admitted, as he held it in place, refusing to remove it. He gave me an angry look, but I ignored it, focusing instead on him. His hair was wild from the weather, twisted up messily as if it had slumped down and he tried to push it back with his hand. His eyelashes were dotted with water from the rain, and he was in a new shirt now, a large hockey jersey with a team I couldn't identify.
"Adeline," he whined like a child in his desperation. "Please can you tell me what happened?"
"It's not a good story!" I cautioned.
"I'm not looking for a fairy tale. I just want to make sure you're safe!" he moaned.
I let my head slump back against the couch and closed my eyes. His hand moved with me, keeping the ice in place. I lifted my head again and felt my heart sink.
"Fine...But don't look at me like I'm weak," I begged, trying not to sound desperate.
"You're not weak," he said firmly. "You're one of the strongest people I know."
I looked at him incredulously, wondering if he believed that. His face was sincere.
"Well, you might not think that for long. It started because Bryce and I got in a huge fight."
"Well, he didn't tell you that I snuck out because I was mad and went to a party."
James lips pressed together tightly. I could tell he wanted to chastise me but was holding his tongue.
"I went out with Hunter and Trinity. Only Hunter was mad at me because I made him wait in the car for me."
"He was mad about that?" James asked curiously, looking back to gage my reaction. His forehead was wrinkled in confusion, eyebrows drawn together.
"He was worried I wasn't safe," I defended, not knowing why that came easier to me than telling the truth.
James' mouth grew more stern but he stayed quiet.
"When we were at the party, Trinity and I went outside to a private area to talk. We were talking about... a guy," I said, catching myself before admitting who the guy was. "Trinity said that she thought the guy liked me and Hunter heard. He came up and started getting kind of... frustrated, and Trinity got mad. She pushed him and embarrassed him in front of his friends."
James lips shot up into a triumphant grin and I slapped his arm.
"I knew I liked that girl," he said with a nod of his head. A wave of jealousy lapped at me, but I suppressed it. I knew what he meant.
"It's not good, James! Hunter was furious. He basically asked me to choose a side. I picked him," I said, looking downcast. "She was furious." I played with the hem of the shirt, ashamed. James placed a consoling hand on my shoulder.
"Hey," he told me. "She's your best friend. You guys will work through it. Go on."
I nodded, trying to believe him.
"She ran out of there, angrily, and Hunter called her a name. I got mad and basically told him we were through. He didn't take it well."
James became confused again until I grabbed the ice pack from his hand, and he was reminded of my injury.
"NO!" He stood up and clenched his fists together as if he was prepared to chase him down right now. I shut my eyes to keep from crying and James sunk to my side, squeezing his arms around me in a hug. I relaxed in his embrace and inhaled his familiar scent, trying to control my emotions.
"Is this the first time he's done something like that?" James asked tenderly, voice barely above a whisper.
I didn't answer.

Perfect Student
Teen FictionYears ago, Adeline's life fell apart when her mother left, dad was taken, and older brother was left to watch her alone. Her brother's best friend had always been her protector; the person she turned to when she had nobody else. When he moved away...