Fighting Bahamut Sin

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I was being tied up by Loz and Yazoo sitting next to the monument, I can hear so many people yelling at them for taking their children. The crowd kept yelling until Yazoo raised his hand which cause shadow fiends to pop up and start attacking everyone, I gasp when I saw this.

Celeste: Are you fucking insane? You gonna get those people killed!
Loz: Shut up! *hits me in the face*
Reno: It's not nice to hit a lady!
Rude: Celeste, are you okay?
Celeste: Yes! Can y'all kick their ass already?
Reno: As you wish, my lady!

Reno and Rude was talking to them more until Reno went running after them until he stopped and hit Rude in the face with his weapon. They looked up and noticed Bahamut was right above them, I was able to cut the rope off with the monument and stood up and noticed Bahamut was right above me. My eyes widen when I saw him about to hit the monument with his magic. I took off running away from the monument but I didn't get far enough away from the monument when he hit it with his magic which made me go flying and hit the ground pretty hard. I got dazed for a bit but it went away, I noticed I was healing out of nowhere. So I reach around my neck and felt my necklace, I started to freak out a little bit but eventually calm down. I look over to my right and saw Tifa on the ground with Denzel above her, he started running towards Bahamut. I was about to yell for Denzel but Barret came out of nowhere and started shooting at Bahamut. I smiled and started walking towards Tifa and Denzel, Tifa saw me and run up to me and hugged me.

Tifa: Celeste! I'm so glad you're okay!
Celeste: I'm okay! I'm glad the whole gang is here!
Tifa: Yeah me too! Hey, do you mind going back to the bar with Denzel and watch the kids?
Celeste: Yeah, no problem

Denzel ran up to and hugged me and then we decided running towards the direction of the bar until Tifa put Denzel behind her and kicked a shadow fiend, and then I got launched up in the air by them and I used some of my magic to make them go away. I looked behind me and noticed Bahamut was about to shoot at me with his magic, which missed and hit the building behind me and launch me to the ground in the front of the building that go hit. I was dazed from the blast and looked up and saw Cloud throw his swords at the fiends about to attack Denzel and then got his sword back and started driving towards me and started cutting pieces of the building away from me, I stood up and felt his arms grab me and I climb behind Cloud on his bike.

Cloud: Sorry that it took me so long
Celeste: *smiles* that's alright

I jump off the bike and ran up to Tifa and Denzel.

Tifa: Are you okay?
Celeste: Yeah
Cloud: Marlene is safe, I took her home

Tifa and I both nod at the same time.

Denzel: I'm gong go back to see Marlene, okay Cloud. We'll wait for you!
Celeste: I'll go with Denzel!
Denzel: Hey Cloud, See you there,right?
Cloud: *nods* Celeste?
Celeste: *turns around* yes?
Cloud: Be careful! I'll be home soon!
Celeste: *smiles* okay and I will

I started running with Denzel back to the bar and then my arm started shooting sharp pains and I started yelling in pain and drop to the ground. Denzel turn around and saw me on the ground and ran back to me.

Denzel: Celeste!
Celeste: Go without me! I'll be right behind you! You need to get home safe!
Denzel: Okay! Be careful!

Denzel ran off to the bar and I was still on the ground, I try to get up but I was in so much pain. After couple minutes, I got up and started walking towards the bar until I got grabbed by someone and notice it was Kadaj.

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