Will we ever learn (2017)

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Obamas phone rang, it was harry.

"Obama something doesn't feel right" Harry told him.

"I've been with all these people and to all these places, but something doesn't seem right" Harry continued.

Obama was shocked. David was sitting across the room from him, wondering what's going on.

Obama hung up the phone, he didn't want to hear Harry's sob story. Obama was sick of Harry not knowing what he wants and who he wants. He had moved on to someone new that he really likes.

That night Obama and David had some tea. It was the kind from imported from London that Harry made Obama try once on their date years ago. He still buys it to this day because he still loves the taste so much.

As they sat down on the sofa, Obama with tea and  saucers in both hands. David asked Obama who was on the phone with him.

"Oh, no one" he said.

"Just one of those silly telemarketers" Obama replied hesitantly.

"Oh okay" David said as he sipped his tea.

David took another sip of his tea.

"OBAMA!" He shouted in a rage.

"Yes what's wrong David?" He asked.

"You steeped my tea too long and now it's ruined!" David said Angerly.

"Oh sorry." Obama apologized.

"No obama you never listen to me and always do things wrong. I can't do this anymore. We're done!" David said in a fit of rage.

Obama knew that he had some underlying anger issues from the trauma after the filming of Alvin and the chipmunks. Years of talking to and yelling at nothing was hard on him and everything just came out.

Obama was upset of course.

After nearly four years of being in complicated relationships, Obama and Harry are right back where they started, single. Or are they?

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