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Liam and Harry were now officially a couple.

The news blew up. Harry and Liams names were both trending on twitter. The presses were quick to make articles about them and things were getting big.

Harry did get his children back though. He just wanted his kids to be happy but at what cost?

Harry went out one day to fetch some groceries, and the paparazzi was swarming him with questions.

Harry didn't really know how to answer because he had never gone over this with Liam before with details.

Harry called Liam as soon as he got back home and asked for details about the relationship.

"We initially had a connection in one direction and we just decided to start a relationship" Liam said.

"I'm going to release a new album I've been working on soon. And it's gonna be a huge hit now that we're engaged." Liam continued.

Right, Harry forgot. They had to have a whole official wedding with people and cameras and they would have to kiss. Ew!

Meanwhile, Obama knew about all of the side stuff that is going on with Harry. So he knew it wasn't for real. But he was pretty upset by the news because him and Harry were going to go public and get married eventually, and now they won't be able to.

Harry saw how much this bothered Obama so he texted Liam again.

Hey Liam can you please come over? Harry texted.

Liam came over and Harry asked him to take a seat.

"Liam I really don't like this." Harry said angerly.

"Harry you wanted your kids back, this is what you had to do to get them back." Liam replied.

Obama and Harry were both sitting there almost in tears. Things were really ruined now.

There was no outs to the situation, the only way Obama and Harry will have freedom now is if they kill Liam.

And that's exactly what they're gonna do.

Hobama Love Story Where stories live. Discover now