Louis side of the story

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"I knew you two were up to something back in 2014, and then again in 2017. But when I found out you had a baby together I was shocked." Louis started

There was a pause to  Louis voice as they all turned around to hear a noise which sounded like a baby crying in the other room down the hall.

"Who's baby is that?" Obama asked.

"Barack, please don't be mad but it's me and Louis baby." Harry started.

"He was born just a few weeks ago" he continued.

Obama was so taken by the news. He had so many questions but before he could ask any, Louis continued on with the story.

"Yes, I tried to stab you, and yes I did go to jail. I spent a lot of time behind bars. 11 years to be exact. I devised a plan to escape with my two most trusted allies and that's where things took a turn." Louis explained


** one year ago in the prison**

Louis: alright lads I have a plan to escape this place. Either you come with me, or you don't. What do you say?

Taylor: I'm in for sure.

Ed: Me too lad, on one condition. Once we're out of here, you have to give me 50,000 dollars. Or I'll tell the guards about your little plan right now and you'll go to solitaire for a very long time.

Louis: fine lad, once we're all out of here, I'll wire you the money. Just don't tell the guards anything.

Ed: okay now I'm in.

Louis: great, first things first, I need to get fit for all the endurance we'll have to face.

For the next three weeks Louis hits the weights hard out on the yard of the prison, he gets buff. He could almost bench 200 pounds and was at his goal.

The three escapees met up every week on Friday after chow to work on the plan. They cut a hole behind the toilet and to go out through the ducts. It was a complicated plan, but with Louis strength, Taylor's agilely, and Ed's smarts, they were a great team.

That night the broke out, not going into too much detail, the escape had some bumps, but they were fixed and they made it out. All three of them were now wanted and being out in public was a risk. Louis knew exactly where to go where he wouldn't get caught. Harry's house.

The three parted ways. Once he was far away enough from the prison, Louis went up to a nearby phone booth to make a call. He dialed Harry's number, praying he hadn't changed it.

Harry picked up the phone,


"Uhm.. hey Harry, long story. I'm out of prison now and wondered if you wanted to talk. I need a place to stay as well if you don't mind." Louis said quickly.

Harry was just trying to focus on himself at this point, but he couldn't resist Louis still. Even if it was a friendly visit, he was a nice lad and wanted to be nice to Louis. So he agreed.

Harry and Louis spent several nights together, rekindling some love they forgot they even had.

A week later Harry was feeling Ill again. The same feeling he had before he found out he was pregnant with wells.

So Harry took a test and it turns out he's pregnant once again. But this time with Louis baby.

Of course so the story goes, nine months later, Harry has the baby. On January 11th. 2030, Louis and Harry welcomed Larry into the world. Combining both their names to make Larry Tomlinson-Styles.

Louis and Harry perused their relationship to the fullest for a very long time, still living with wells of course. Wells loved Louis almost as a second dad, and he loved his half brother Larry, they played all the time and seeing them together was too cute.

Everything was fine until of course, Obama showed up this morning, confessing his undying love for Harry.

And that's were we land now.

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