Chapter 1

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Skylar Yeager's Perspective:

     "Eren what are you doing stop slacking lets go," I groaned as he laid there instead of helping Mikasa and I. "If you dont get up and help im telling mother you ate her sweets," I threatened in hopes of that working

     Eren got up and huffed at me grabbing his pack of sticks and putting more into the pack.  "You never let me slack off give me a break," He complained.

     Mikasa hummed giggling softly as her pack is full, "lets just get back to the house before we get in trouble".  Both of us followed her, Eren a little grumpy his nap was interrupted.  

     Once we got back to the town we saw the Garrison members slacking off like always and I shook my head annoyed. Eren however... 

     "Hey you guys you should be paying better attention what if a titan showed up! you need to be ready! if i was in the-" Eren was cut off by the small regiment laughing at him.

     Hannes calmed down as much as he could, "Boy there hasn't been a titan sighting this close to the walls in years.  Why would anything happen now.  Let the scouts handle them and get back to your momma". 

     Eren was about to reply back but Mikasa and I pulled him away. "Let's go Eren, if we are lucky we will make it to the main road and you will be able to see the scouts," I said to him to get him to walk away.  

     We did make it to the main road in time and we saw how many were hurt, but we also saw how many survived.  While at the road we saw Armin one of our close friends.  The four of us gathered once the crowd had dissipated and we went and sat by the water and talked for a while. 

     "Eren, This says there is an ocean outside the walls! and that its filled with salt water,"  Armin said excitedly.  Mikasa and I listen to the two boys ramble about it and swear one day they would make it to the sea and the titans wouldn't be a problem anymore...We would be Free...

                  BOOM...A Bright flash...

     Lightning  striking from the sky right outside the walls.  The ground rumbling like an earthquake making my friends and I and most of the people around started to trip...stumble...or fall. We all ran to a closer opening to the wall once we were able to stand steady again. My friends and I looked up at the wall seeing a hand. 

     "what...that's,"  I couldn't fathom how a titans hand could even reach the top of the wall.  A titans head appeared over the skin all muscles and bone...its shadow casting over all of us...It was terrifying .

     "A titan..." Eren shakily got out.  The four of us shaking slightly staring in horror as the titan stares down at all of us smoke leaving its body. 


    The walls had been breached...The force of the breach caused multiple deaths and buildings to be destroyed.  Massive boulders landing all over the place.  

     "T-They put a hole in the wall," Armin stuttered in shock.  All of us were tense.  I looked towards the hole seeing titans swarming.

     "Guys we need to run!" I yelled grabbing Mikasa's arm starting to pull her away from the mess. 

     "Our house...Mom is..."  Eren made a break towards our house and Mikasa and I looked at each other before chasing him leaving Armin behind.  

      As we ran we saw tons of dead bodies and people trying to help wounded people. I had hoped mom would be ok but as we rounded the corner.  We saw her trapped under wood beams.  We all rushed over. 

      "Mom!" Eren called out.  Once we made it to her we all tried to move the wood beam but even with three of us we weren't strong enough.

     While we struggled to try and get the wood beam off I looked up and saw a titan and I froze. "G-Guys...We need to hurry!" I rushed out stuttering slightly shaking as I tried harder to get the beam off of our mother.

     "The titans...They have come inside haven't they..Eren take your sister and Mikasa and run," Our mother tried and Mikasa hesitated for a second...none of us wanted to leave her.  We refused to leave our mother and kept trying. "All of you hurry to the life boats you can still make it!" She begged.  

     "We won't leave you Mom!" I cried out and my fingers were bleeding my arms aching from the strain.

     "Skylar...Eren...Mikasa my legs are crushed under the rubble even if you go me out I wouldn't be able to walk.."  She said trying to convince us to leave her behind.

     "i'll carry you and we will get out together!" Eren persisted so Mikasa and i kept trying.

    "For once Eren listen to me! I won't make it! if you run you can still save yourself, your sister, and Mikasa!"  She began to cry as she willed us to leave her.  "At least listen to my final request!...Mikasa please take them and run!" She began to beg Mikasa.

     The titan got closer to us and I looked up struggling ready to accept my fate to die with my mother.  "Mikasa...Go run we will keep trying,"  I tried to get her to leave so she wouldn't die with us. 

     "I'm not leaving you both behind!" Mikasa replied as she stayed by my side trying to help Eren and I.

     "At this rate all four of us will...." Carla our mother was cut off by the sound of ODM gear close by.  It was Hannes landing near us. "Hannes! Take the children and run!"  Mother told him in a desperate tone.

     "Now now Carla...I cant have you thinking im that small of a man Carla...Ill get all four of you out of here..."  Hannes said and he stood readying his weapons and gear to kill the titan.  He charged forward after the titan, Mother screaming at him not to fight it.  But as he got closer to it he stopped frozen.  

     After a few seconds he turned back putting his weapon away running to us and picking Eren and I over his shoulders and then holding Mikasa's hand as He ran.  He left our mother...

     As he ran with us on his shoulders and mikasa by his side Eren and I watched as our mother was lifted and eaten by the titan.

     "NO!"  Eren and I screamed as we tried o get free to save our mother...but it was too late...she was gone.

     Hannes ignored all of our struggles trying not to cry himself it seemed.  He took us to the life boats and the three of us were in shock and shaking he left us to go get whoever else he could.

     "She's...gone..."  I whispered quietly and hugged myself Mikasa moving closer and laing her arm around me.

     "I swear...I'm going to kill all the titans for every last one!"  Eren screamed clearly upset as he should be.

     Soon our boat moved us further into the walls...further into "safety" .  Where the Titans "can't" get us.......


     We settled into a barn with a few other orphaned kids and we ended up finding Armin...We were glad he was safe but now Eren is talking about joining the scouts again...the one thing mom didn't want us doing...yet i think it's exactly what we are going to do.. how else are we to get revenge for our mother?...our town?...our community?...our people?

     Where are we... all I remember is going with dad and Eren to the woods...Where is Dad...Why are we back in the barn...Why were we left alone again?...

     With Hope for the future with no titans we tried our best to get comfortable for the next couple years until we could enroll for the military so that we could become scouts.


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