Chapter 2

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     Finally... we can enroll in the military.  At first Eren tried to convince us we didn't have to follow him in but honestly I wanted to and Mikasa was right behind me, but Armin... We all worried he may get hurt, but when he was determined to join us we supported him.  Not very long after we were transported to where we would be training for the next 3 years.

     Once we arrived I was actually quite shocked with how many people had enrolled.  Soon we were in our uniforms and placed in lines and rows as Instructor Shadis looked us all over and started asking people why they joined.  But all I could think about at first was how we were officially in the 104th Cadet group.

     Within my friend group Armin was asked first.  To which i finally zoned back into the conversations going around"Armin Arlert Sir,I joined, so that I could make the world a better place for humanity...Sir!" Armin answered quickly shaking slightly  quickly saluting as the man stared him down.  

     Next was Eren, "Eren Yeager Sir, I joined so that I could kill all the titans and make the world safe for humanity to not need the walls...Sir!"  Eren saluted poorly and Shadis was not impressed, but took it as an answer as he continued.

     Mikasa's turn. "Mikasa Ackerman Sir,  I joined to help my friends and people make the world better," Mikasa kept her voice monotone and her face straight as she saluted and looked at Shadis.  He nodded taking her answer.

     Next was me... "what is your name recruit, and why are you here," he said in a slightly harsh tone.  Which was normal for most military men.

     I took a deep breath before looking him in the eyes, "Im Skylar Yeager Sir...And I joined to protect my family and make it so that the world will be safe for all of humanity sir!" I saluted like all the people before me.

     Shadis looked me over, "Yeager? Are you related to titan killer over there?" He clearly was making his own judgements about me based on Eren's personality.

     "Yes Sir! He is my younger brother, Sir" I stayed in my saluting pose and he nodded.

     "I expect you to be better then...Don't screw up.."  He stopped talking to me and turned to everyone, "That includes the rest of you...this isn't some summer camp this is training and a good bit of you wont make it...some will drop out... only 10 of you will even have the opportunity at being in the military police,"  he called out in a harsh tone before continuing on.  However he caught a brown haired girl with a potato and lost it when she offered him the smaller of the 2 halves.  she was punished with no dinner and running laps till sunrise.

     Once it was over we were dismissed to our cabins and luckily Mikasa and I shared one.  Granted there were a full group of girls as well so it was more of a comfort to have mikasa.  Mikasa and I took the bunk in the corner, so that we would have a little bit of privacy if needed.  A bunch of the other girls were talking a bit about how they were excited to get in and stuff like that I was kinda zoned out till a smaller blonde asked me about why I really joined.

     "H-huh," I zoned back into reality Mikasa's hand on my shoulder.  "Oh uh well my friends and I were in Shiganshina when the wall was attacked... we saw the titan peering over and we ran to make sure my mother was ok...and she was trapped under a wooden my brother and mikasa weren't able to get it off of her...a garrison member came and got me Eren and Mikasa out of there but in doing so me and Eren saw...our mother get eaten..." I retold the story while looking at my hands fidgeting slightly.

    "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you remember the bad that happened.." she apologized.  I told her that its in the past and that its ok.

     "My brother is set on killing all the titans... which is a good goal...but he will get himself killed if he isn't practical and smart about it, so I'm here to make sure he doesn't die...and to get my own revenge I suppose," I said solemnly.  "But enough sadness while it is fuel to try harder it is a bit depressing so lets focus on moving forward and getting stronger," I said with strength in my voice and the girl nodded. 

     While we have time the group of girls, Mikasa and I go around introducing ourselves.  In our cabin we have Myself, Mikasa, Annie, Krista, Ymir, and Sasha as I learned but she was busy running her punishment laps. 

     Not very long after our introductions it was meal time and we all traveled to the mess hall and Mikasa and I grouped with Eren Armin and Krista and Ymir sat somewhat close to us.  While we ate I kept glancing over at Krista and Ymir it seemed like they had a connection deeper than friends...and that confused me how would two women achieve a connection like that...can anyone?...Can I?  

     "No no no...bad Skylar women are friends not love interests," I thought to myself and buried myself back into my food as I listened to everyone talk.

     It wasn't long before Eren got into an argument with some guy Jean..."Of course my brother would act like an idiot, and get himself into a fight," I thought and Jean and Eren stood and argued. It wasn't until Jean grabbed Eren by his shirt that I snapped.

     "Enough! Put my brother down!" My eyes darkened as I glared at Jean.

     "what are you going to do Princess," He scoffed.  "Need your big sissy to protect you?" He teased Eren who was ready to beat his ass.

     I stood up and grabbed his wrist and twisted it making him drop Eren and Mikasa stood behind me slightly. " I said to put my brother down,"  I glared at Jean and he finally backed off and we all sat back down. "Call my brother a suicidal maniac again, and i'll make your death look like a suicide," I said in a monotone voice glaring at him.  He went quiet.

     It didn't take long for  Eren to complain about me stepping in saying that he had it under control but I just rolled my eyes, "Eren you are my younger brother whether you like it or not I will step in whenever I like no matter how embarrassed you get." Mikasa smiled softly and Eren huffed.  Armin was just glad it was over and Ymir found it amusing.  Mikasa and I once finished went outside Eren following a little while after but we were stopped by Jean.

     "Your hair is really pretty Mikasa," he said in a flirtatious way which made my blood boil.  How dare he call my friend cute....right after threatening my brother...right that's the important part. 

     Before I had the chance to say anything Eren caught up not having heard the previous statement he turns to mikasa.  "You may want to cut your hair Mikasa it may get stuck in the ODM gear during training...or get in the too sis,"  he said before leaving to his cabin.  Missing the look on Jeans face as he left and could see mikasa considering it. 

     Mikasa and I ignored Jean and went to our cabin and instead of going in we went to the side and sat for a little while looking at the stars to relax. 

     Soon the quiet was broken as mikasa leaned against me, "are you ready to start this journey?" She asked quietly.

     "As ready as I can be... You?"  I responded in a hushed tone and she hummed softly.

     "Same as you to be honest...come on let go inside tomorrow is going to be a long day," She replied and I nodded agreeing.  we both got up and dusted our clothes off. 

     Once inside Mikasa and I went to our bunk, and instead of her climbing onto her bunk she just took her boots jacket and leather harness off and climbed into mine.  I hesitated for a moment before doing the same and joining her.  It was just like old times...right?


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