Chapter 5

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     I gasped waking up back in the dark. I leaned up quickly which stirred Mikasa who leaned up rubbing her eyes to see what was wrong.  I pulled her close burying my face into her neck and cried. 

     "S-Skylar...are you ok...did you have another nightmare?"  MIkasa asked in a hushed tone. I just nodded clinging to her.  "Do you want to talk about it...we can go sit on the porch.."  She suggested, but I just wanted to be held right now.  I shook my head and just clung to her holding her shirt. 

     Mikasa rubbed my back and scooped me up and took me outside and to the side of the cabin and sat with me as I shook. "Come on Skylar...can you tell me something?"  She urged for me to speak to her.

     "I-...You all died...everyone...I... I couldn't do anything," I buried my face into her neck.

     Mikasa held me close.  "Are you willing to elaborate? or is it too much Sky?"  Mikasa asked and used my childhood nickname. 

     "I... well um.. I woke up alone. In the bunks.  I thought I was late, so I quickly got up and got ready," I started to explain calming as Mikasa rubbed my back.  

     "Hmm...right," Mikasa said just to make sure I knew she was listening.

     "When I got outside I couldn't see anyone so I grabbed um...ODM gear and ran down the path we run to try and follow up...But as I was running the were trembles in the ground like a titan was running so i got into the trees to travel safely.." I said recalling the nightmare.

     Mikasa nodded and rubbed my side looking at me, "Did you find us?".

     "well...I," I paused taking a deep breath.  "I found...Eren and Armin and almost everyone else dead...but I couldn't find you anywhere....and then you came out of hiding and took me to the small group of survivors...It was you, Annie, Bertolt, Reiner, and Ymir...and well myself... you told me what happened to the others and we went back to camp to get blades to take this...very weird titan down..." I continued.

     Mikasa sat back against the wall just listening, "what happened?..."

     "The titan had found the blades and destroyed all but 3 packs that um Annie found hidden...You, Ymir, and Annie took a set each...and Reiner, Myself, and bertolt were...the bait.."  I leaned into Mikasa.

     "I would never allow you to play bait..."  Mikasa said and squeezed my arm comfortingly. 

     I smiled weakly, "We got onto the cabins and the three of you got into vantage points...and one by one the titan tried to kill us.. but right before the titan made it to my cabin you swung down and grabbed me taking me to your point...while the titan was distracted..."I said softly before pausing.

     Mikasa frowned and listened rubbing my arm, "what happened..."

     "...Ymir went for it...and was killed... then Annie came to us, and we tried to make a plan for me to be bait and lead it away, so you and Annie could get its neck...well we went through with it and it chased me until you and Annie went after it...It stopped caring about me and went after both of you..."I paused.

     "It focused on Annie and I?" Mikasa was slightly confused.

     "I- yea...Annie was killed and I started back to you when the titan...grabbed you...I didn't have any blades so i tried to get to Annie or Ymir...but before I could...the titan...The titan killed you and dropped you to the ground...and instead of killing left..I ran to your side were gone and there was nothing I could have done..."

     Mikasa's breath hitched slightly and she pulled me close.  "I am so sorry you had to go through that even if it was just a nightmare..." Mikasa said and she stood and pulled me up. "do you want to go for a walk before the sun comes up for breakfast to clear your mind? or do you want to try and get more sleep? or do you just want to go ahead to the dinning hall and we can just relax there till breakfast,"  Mikasa gave plenty of suggestions, but honestly I was really hoping these titans would all just disappear, so Mikasa and I and everyone else could be safe.

     "I- we could go to the dining hall and relax or the cabin and just rest..."  I replied.

     Mikasa nodded and took us back inside and laid back down with me, but this time we stayed awake and just laid with each other listening to each other's breath...proving that we were alive.


     Soon breakfast came and went, and we started training for the day.  Like the previous day we went on our run to start.

     I was a bit slower today and Mikasa stayed behind with me.

     "Are you alright Skylar?"  MIkasa asked as we ran at a slowed pace.

     "Y-yea im fine...I just think the nightmare may be affecting me slightly..." I told her quietly.

     Annie slowed down to be with us. "Hey you guys ok..."She questioned in her normal monotone voice.

     "I yea thanks annie...I just...had a really bad nightmare last night...and it involved the run.."I explained blushing in embarrassment.

     Mikasa moved close but not too close to mess up our strides.

     "Alright...well come one we need to show these idiots up," Annie said as she sped up and Mikasa and I quickly followed making it close to the front with Annie.

     Not long after we made it back to the training grounds for hand to hand combat.  Mikasa came over to choose me as her partner but I yelped as Annie pulled me away.  Mikasa frowned as she didn't make it to me at first, but she didn't say anything she just went to Eren instead.

     "Come on...I'll help you," Annie said as she pulled me a good bit away from everyone else.

     "I- really?  Thank you Annie...I used to have to break up that's all I'm really good with fighting...seems like the total opposite,"  I replied as we came to a stop.

     Annie nodded in response before going through different tactics and showing me how to use them.   

     Once I had gotten a decent grasp on what to do we started to actually spar.  "Thank you for helping me Annie...You are a good should join our table for lunch...reiner seems to just be a bore," I suggested as we spared. 

     For the first time I saw the tiniest glimpse of a real smile as she responded, "Hmm...We will see...You are getting better...Not dropping as fast each time...and able to fall in a way that doesnt hurt you".  

     I blushed slightly, "Well I seem to have a great teacher. 

     Annie just hummed in response, and we continued to spar for the remainder of hand to hand combat training.

     Mikasa ran over once training was over, "Hey Skylar do you want to walk to lunch together?"  

     I smiled before turning to Annie, "Sure.  Annie wanna join?"

     Annie looked at me then Mikasa, "Sure".  She grabbed her things and the three of us made our way to the dinning hall.


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