Am..... I..... In.... ❤love

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Rishi and Varun both searched for the van and were deep in the jungle

Varun: rishi what are you doing here?

Rishi- you don't have any right to ask this I guess.

Varun: ok. Do what you feel like.

Rishi moves a bit in front and he saw the same van.

Rishi: Varun back off see the same van.

Varun: enough now I am coming Lakshmi.

Varun completely lost patience and ran inside the small old factory to find Lakshmi and rishi followed him but he entered the factory from the back gate.

Varun entered inside and saw Lakshmi tied around a chair she was unconscious and blood was still flowing through her wrists.

Varun lost his cool and started beating the goons . The two men completely captured Varun and that's when rishi entered the scene he helped Varun and one of the kidnappers laid on the ground unconscious while Varun was fighting with the other one.
Rishi untied Lakshmi. Her wrists were bleeding as they tied her so tightly.  Her mouth was tied through a cloth. And she had fever. Rishi took Lakshmi in his arms when the unconscious waiter woke up and pointed a gun towards rishi.

Waiter 1_- you came here alive but one of you will surely die. Especially this girl.

Rishi lost his senses and he gently placed Lakshmi on the chair and started beating the waiter.

Lakshmi gained consciousness
She saw Varun and Rishi fighting for her. Her throat was dry so she called out for water. She was a bit weak and dizzy. Varun saw Lakshmi and went straight to her. He gently held Lakshmi who was not in her senses.
Varun: you need water no worries we will go back and get some water let's go.

One of them was about to hit Lakshmi with a sword but rishi came in between and stopped him due to which rishi's hands were wounded and bleeding.

the police  came and found those two kidnappers unconscious and bleeding on the ground.

Rishi saw Lakshmi with Varun and jealousy was back again.

Rishi: removed Lakshmi from varun's arms and hugged her and he had tears. Lakshmi was tied in rishi's safe arms like a small baby.

Varun: rishi let's take her back home.

Rishi: no need I will take her back.

Varun: but your one hand is bleeding how will you drive. ?

Rishi: I will call  the driver.

Varun: why not me !?you will ask for help wait for the driver and in that time Lakshmi's wrists wounds would get more worse. She has fever why don't you understand?

Varun literally broke down in front of him.

Rishi: why are you crying?

Varun: just look at her rishi. What did she do to suffer so much. Just because she is innocent anyone would do what they feel like.

Varun wipes his tears: no nothing will happen to you my love rishi sit in my car I will drive.

Rishi agrees and they drove to the hospital for getting Lakshmi checked up.
The nurse dressed rishi and Lakshmi's  wounds and the doctor gave Lakshmi a few injections each time the doctor opened a new injection Rishi and Varun panicked.

Doctor: Mr. Varun you please stay with her and Mr. Oberoi you please accompany us we need to give you a tetanus injection. Rishi left his Lakshmi with that Varun.

Rishi's POV

I hate this although he helped me in saving Lakshmi and even drove us to the hospital . I hate that Varun to be with my Lakshmi. Wait a minute my Lakshmi? Why am I so possessive ? Why  do I always get jealous for her.

Rishi's mind was thinking all of this when he saw lakshmi's illusion.

Lakshmi: you get jealous because you love me rishi. Why you don't get it? I mean I got kidnapped to make yoh realize that you love me . But here you are with the question why. Now when will you realize that you love me when I am dead or what.

Rishi: no Lakshmi nothing will happen to you I will always save you.

And he again realised that lakshmi was imaginary.

Doctor: rishi have you ever went to a psychiatrist.?

Rishi: what  kind of question is it?

Doctor: see being a doctor I know when a person talks to himself it's either when he's in love Or when he is mad.

Rishi: Mr. Doc your work is to check me up what are you saying? He shouts.
Virendra ayush and neelam also came in the hospital. They heard rishi shouting in the cabin.

Vir: you both go and look for lakshmi. I will handle him.

Rishi sees vir.
Rishi:dad you are here.they were about to leave lakshmi she is all good just unconscious right now but she's okay.

Vir: but what about you? Why are you shouting at him?

Rishi: dad this doctor thinks I am in love.

Vir: so you are with mallishka! You love her right..

Rishi: no dad he says I love lakshmi. I mean I like her she's just a good friend of mine. And we are together for few months but she will be my best friend forever.

Vir: ohhh. This doctor is an idiot then. I mean how can you love lakshmi.
Have you ever imagined and talked with her when she was not actually there with you? No right

And you haven't even felt her presence in your heart? No right

And you hardly care if she's happy or tensed about something and try to solve her problems first? No your priority is to make mallishka happy.

Also have you ever lied to mallishka Or neelam for lakshmi's happiness!? Never.

Nor  have you ever hurt yourself to keep lakshmi safe and she's not the one who matters the most to you.

Neither have you felt suffocation when lakshmi was not with you or not in front of u.
Or ever felt jealous when you saw her with varun and felt like killing varun when he proposed lakshmi.? No right.

Is it lakshmi whom you see when you close your eyes. ?

Does your heart beats faster when you see her or think about her?No ... Am I right rishi.

So it's crystal clear you don't love her. Now let's go back home. Everyone is waiting for lakshmi.
Virendra leaves with a smile.

Rishi: wait I have done every single thing. Is this doctor right am I.... In love with her.

Rishi kept his hand on his chest and his heart beats raced against each other.  He closed his eyes And saw lakshmi smiling...And finally he realises his Love is his lakshmi and not malishka.

Rishi: how did this happen and why am I smiling. I never felt like that when I was with malishka is this how true love feels like?

Many suggestions were for rishi but being an emotional person I didn't want to break anyone's expectations. So here it is

Finally rishi realised his love but varun and lakshmi are still with each other. And their marriage proposal is still alive. Let's see how will rishi break his marriage with malishka and lakshmi's marriage with varun and also what's lakshmi's reaction when she gets to know about his love. Stay tuned and if this part wasn't up to your expectations m sorry ...will try to make up for that in the next chapters okkk

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