Betrayed or misunderstood

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Malishka's POV

No... No no my rishi can't do that. I was absent for a month and this lakshmi trapped my rishi. And rishi is really innocent he thinks lakshmi loves him.. If they both confess their feelings then? No malishka nothing will happen. Varun has gave me a perfect idea now I will seperate lakshmi from rishi.

She calls her lawyer and talks about something.

Here in rishi's room.

Rishi and lakshmi went to sleep coz lakshmi wasn't in a good mood so rishi didn't wanted to play with fire. By asking or confessing anything else.


Everyone was at the dining room.

Rishi and lakshmi were as usual not talking to each other. But let me give you the conversation of their glances. (U know isharo isharo me baatein karna)

Rishi:smiling: I can't stop admiring you black magic or what.?

Lakshmi: stop it rishi yoh have really crossed all your limits. I am telling you again you don't love me and neither do I love you . I have made up my are not going to be my forever love. U are just playing with me and malishka.

And there enters malishka.

Malishka: good morning guys.

And she hugs rishi.

Malishka: rishi there's something important that I want to tell you. And I need to talk to you about it..... Alone

Rishi: umm right now.... Oh okay

And they went while lakshmi fumed with anger. She took the fork and stabbed the pancake.

Ayush: ouchhhh.... Laxxxmiii take it easy that pancake has feelings.

Lakshmi: ya and she smiled awkwardly.

Inside the room
Malishka: rishi i wanted to say something really important . Since this wedding ,your and lakshmi's fake relationship has few months.why don't you guys sign the divorce. You see it's a 6 month process so you guys would be free and then we will get married.

Rishi: malishka listen that's what I wanted to tell you.. I.

Malishka: please don't deny this divorce. ....... Look at me don't tell me you have feelings for lakshmi...... Rishi I swear I will kill myself.

Rishi: how dare you say that..... But I won't sign the divorce papers. I have already hurted lakshmi I won't hurt her anymore now.

Malishka: what if lakshmi wants to separate from you as soon as this one year passes and marry varun. ?

Rishi turns back in anger: I know her she won't do anything like that. And if lakshmi signed the divorce papers I will happily sign these.divorce papers.

Rishi went down stairs and saw lakshmi talking on her phone.

Rishi: who's there shalu?

Lakshmi: varun I will call you later ok. Bye take care.

Rishi took lakshmi in a corner.

Rishi: you are troubling me now! Enough of this. U don't understand that I love you.

Lakshmi: wow rishi wow love the way you lie. Just came out from malishka's love and here again I might be innocent but I am not dumb. Stop this rishi.

Rishi: how do I prove it to u that I really love you?

Lakshmi: rishi you have done enough stop pretending and...

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