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{Atsumu's POV}

I was jolted awake by the sound of the bell ringing. Wait—ohmygod it's Friday. FRIDAY.

I was going to Tokyo today to meet up with my friends!

I rushed out of my final class of the day (ELA, what a drag) and practically ran home. I had packed the night before, my excitement and anxiety getting the better of me. I had to double check, though, and make sure I had the train ticket with me.

I got a call from Suga a few minutes after I got home.

"Hey! You almost ready?"

"Pfft- no. I just got home."

"I am so excited, I'm on edge. Tokyo prefecture, too. What are we now, rich?" he laughed, and I went through my suitcase to make sure I had everything for the 17th time in the past 2 minutes. "Also, I have a surprise for you tonight. Or tomorrow, if we're too tired."

"Wait- huh?" He shook his head at me, and confusion ebbed. Guess I've just got to wait this one out.

"Oh- WAIT! I forgot to print the ticket ugh—now I have to go do that. I hate my stupid printer, it almost never works." 

"Go figure that out, then, you idiot." He frowned, pouting at me like Oikawa did.

"You look like 'Kawa right now."

"Do not?"

"Do too!"

"Ugh you know what, I'm leaving. I have a train ticket to print." He hung up, and I smiled. 

This was going to be an... interesting trip.


I watched the train slow to a stop, the soft drum of rain hitting the metal roof of the train soothing me. I pulled my hood up, collecting my bag and headphones before getting off. 

I looked around after I got under the awning, the station illuminated in the dull yellow buzz of worn lights. I felt someone practically tackle me, and I turned around to see Oikawa.

"You SCARED ME-" we both laughed, and he hugged my properly. "Where are the others?"

"Over there." He pointed over to where Kenma, Akaashi, Yahaba, Koganegawa, Semi, and Shirabu. (if i forgot anyone [besides nohebi and johzenji + smaller schools] please tell me lol, i'll fix it)

"So we're just waiting on Karasuno?"

"Mhm." Oikawa dragged me over to the others, and I got a few hugs and smiles.

"Do we really have to wait out here? It's cold," glowered Kenma.

I turned back to watch the rain as Akaashi explained that the next (and last) train would be there in a few minutes.

Oikawa sat down next to me and I laid my head on his shoulder, causing him to jump slightly. "Sorry!" I laughed, and he just patted my head and smiled.

"It's nice, huh? I love rainy days."

I just nodded, and we sat like that until the last train pulled up. The station was practically deserted, and it was pretty dark since the clouds were covering the moon and stars.

"Suga!" I called, running up to him when I spotted him, and Oikawa playfully rolled his eyes at Kageyama before coming to hug the both of us.

"C'mon, we gotta get back. It's late and extremely cold." We dragged the two over to the rest of the group, and all 10 of us headed back to the hotel.

I was surprised when halfway there Oikawa slipped his hand into mine, but I just smiled and kept walking.


kawa's getting ballsy?! 😳

anyways IM SORRY SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE, a lot of things happened and i've had a rough week. i'm gonna probably publish a few more chapters today since I actually know where this story is going now :)

hopefully you guys don't mind, i'll be going back to my every other day uploading schedule (unless I update tomorrow then it'll start then)

bye bye!!

-ollie <3

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