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{Oikawa's POV}

"Okay so, say hypothetically, there's this cat. And the cat is the cutest thing you've ever seen and you want to take it home with you because it's living on the street and has no home. What would you do?" Atsumu asked, walking in with groceries. Iwaizumi was right behind him, rolling his eyes.

"What 'Tsumu is TRYING to say is that he brought a cat home."

"Oh my god let me see it" Sakusa said immediately, running over to them. He emerged from the kitchen with a small kitten, its blue eyes meeting mine immediately.

"She definitely needs a bath, but other than that, she is like, the prettiest cat i've ever seen" Sakusa said, staring down at the small creature in his arms.

"No, i'm giving her a bath, no exceptions!" Atsumu called from the kitchen.

"Nuh-uh sucker! You're busy! C'mon, Sakkun" I replied, dragging the Sakusa—cat in arms—into the bathroom. I heard Atsumu groan, but he didn't give chase.

"We need to name her too, yknow" he said once I started running a bit of water in the sink.

"She is like the prettiest thing ever" I said.

"Definitely, but like... name her?"

"I don't know, I can't think!" 

He sighed, carefully setting the kitten in the warm water. "Can we use regular soap, or does 'Tsumu have animal soap?" he asked.

"How would I know? Go ask."

"Jeez, ok fine," he splashed water at me and ran out.

"What the heck!" I yelled, staring at my half-soaked shirt. "Yknow what, that means I get to come up with your name."

I sighed, carefully covering her back in water so the soap could set in better. A few minutes later, Sakusa came back in with an almost empty bottle of dog and cat shampoo.

"Ok so I've been thinking about names, what about Kaze?" he looked at me, awaiting an answer.

"Wait yes, air baby. I love that, you're a genius."

"I think she likes it," he said, smiling down at the drenched kitten.


"What's going on, let me wash my cat!" Atsumu yelled as her burst into the bathroom.

"We named her Kaze," I said.

"And you are geniuses. Now move over!"

"Ok, jeez!" I laughed, moving over so he could stand by the sink.

Then I splashed water at him.

"Hey! What was that for!"

"Loser" Sakusa giggled.

"You're the only one who hasn't been splashed yet!" I yelled back at him.

"And? You two clearly are at a lower intellectual level than I am, and therefore disregarded the fact you could possibly get wet when doing this. Splash me, I'm mentally prepared." He smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

"I have an IQ of like 125, I already am at your intellectual level" Atsumu said.

"Mhm..." I dragged it out, voice laced with sarcasm.

"Yeah, yeah, okay, that's the most believable thing you've said all day." Atsumu gave Sakusa a glare, and he shrugged, smiling.

"You know what? Fine, but you don't get to pick the restaurant we go to for dinner anymore. Haji gets to pick."

"Oh my god that's low" I said, furrowing my eyebrows.

"And you splashed me with water, your fault." Atsumu shrugged, continuing to wash Kaze.

"Yeah, no, I'm not picking the restaurant. Let Sakusa pick, 'Kawa and I are probably the most indecisive people on the planet. I feel like you know this" Isaizumi said, sticking his head in.

"Okay, fine! Omi picks the restaurant" Atsumu huffed.

"Yes!" Sakusa smirked smugly, a look of triumph on his face. "Take that, Oiks."

"What if I don't want to take it..."


"Ok, whatever" I shrugged.

"Good." Sakusa placed his hands on his hips, watching Atsumu dry Kaze off. I walked behind him, pretending to leave, then turned the sink behind him on and splashed him with water. I then ran out and sat next to Iwaizumi on the couch, half using him as a shield.

"Ok, you either threw something, said something really funny but also really dirty, or splashed Kiyoomi. What is it this time?" he looked at me, practically unfazed. 

"Uhhh.. I splashed him..."

"Kiyo, Trashykawa says he's sorry and thinks you're good at Uno!" Iwaizumi yelled, and I watched Sakusa freeze and slowly turn and walk back into the bathroom.

"You are a lifesaver, thank YOUUU!" I kissed him quickly on the cheek and ran back to see the fluffy cat.




also i kinda forgor to write another chapter for 3 days haha 😍

-ollie <3

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