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*Vivan's P.O.V*

I didn't know how much time passed between the first time Curtis left and the time he came back. I knew that some time had passed based on the window but there was a time that the outside of the window seemed to be completely covered.

All I knew was that by the time Curtis came back, I knew that my left arm had sustained some serious damage but I could move it a little bit now. My shoulder felt strange and I was quite thankful that I couldn't see the damage that had been done to it.

Marcel was having better luck than me, just because he was in a chair and could move it around. I could only go as far as the handcuff allowed me. That meant I had to twist my body in very awkward positions just to be able to look around for anything that could be used to aid in our escape.

Once Curtis came back though, I had to stop and pretend that I was asleep. That didn't stop him from trying to wake me up but I just pretended like I was in a deep sleep. It was not the first or last time that I had to do that as it became a common occurrence over the next few days.

In the times that Marcel and I were left alone, we discussed plans of escape. Marcel had the best chance of escape and we both knew that. He was only tied up with rope and I was handcuffed to a metal pole. Plus out of the two of us, Marcel had a better chance of fighting back against Curtis if he caught up to him.

"Y'know I kind of thought that Coral was more likely to get kidnapped. I mean she's the princess and I'm just the love of her life," I said as I rested m head against the brick wall that was behind me. The feeling of bricks digging into my back had become a common feeling at this point so I had just accepted that I was going to be uncomfortable for as long as I was kidnapped.

"I honestly can't see why he kidnapped either of us, we're both very annoying," Marcel said as he kicked at the leg of his chair. He had been working on breaking his chair for the past few days but the wood seemed to be too strong for him to break.

"Yeah, this is nothing like the movies. How come he hasn't fallen wildly in love with one of us and sworn to protect us?" I asked with a dramatic sigh.

"I'm pretty sure the whole reason he took you is because he's in love with you," Marcel pointed out.

"No, he's obsessed with me. There's a difference between the two," I said simply. We were both remarkably calm for this situation but there was nothing we could really do until we got our hands on something.

I tensed up when I heard the door open, closing my eyes as I tried to make myself appear to be asleep. I knew that he didn't believe the fact that I was asleep, I just didn't want to have to look him in the eyes. I heard his footsteps stop a few feet away from me. He was standing in front of Marcel and had pressed a glass against his lips. Marcel drank the water from the cup, seeming to be as thirsty as I was. We had gone the past couple days without any food or water and it was starting to take its toll on our bodies.

When Marcel pulled away from the glass I could see the longing in his eyes. Neither of us particularly favored water but we would take what we could get as long as we were in this hell hole. Unlike Marcel though, I had a plan forming in my head. I just needed Curtis to get close off and I could act on it.

I let Curtis get close, watching through half lidded eyes as he crouched down in front of me. His hands roughly tilted my head back as he pressed the glass to my lips, water poured from the glass into my mouth and I had to swallow quickly not to choke. The water tasted wrong, like something was in it but I couldn't stop drinking unless I wanted to choke.

"That's right bitch, keep drinking," Curtis ordered. I jerked my leg suddenly, bringing it up to him in the balls. He ended up dropping the glass as he doubled over, his hand letting go of my face. I quickly moved my leg, placing the back of my leg over a piece of shattered glass.

The sharp piece of glass pierced the back of my leg but I just took a deep breath to steady myself, knowing that I had to play it safe for now.

"Fuck you," I hissed out when Curtis straightened up, moving back towards me. He kicked the shards of glass that were by my leg away as he leaned down to get into my face.

"You'll pay for that," he said warningly as he spit in my face. I met his gaze defiantly even as his spit trickled down my face.

"I'll pay for your inability to take a hit? Pathetic," I said as I smirked defiantly at him. He raised his hand and I looked at him challengingly, not daring to wince even when he slapped me across the face so hard that my head hit the wall.

I may be bruised and I still couldn't fully feel my left arm but I would not let him break me. I refused to allow myself to be broken by anyone but especially by a man named Curtis. I watched as he left, lifting my leg up slightly and seeing the small pool of blood from the glass that had dug into my leg.

"Marcel, I need you to scoot your chair as close as you can to my right hand," I informed him. Marcel was placing a lot of trust in me and I wouldn't let him down, our plan had to work.

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