1. The Freaks

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Y/n's POV*

I walked into school as the new girl. I was a nervous wreck. I was wearing a plaid blue and white skirt, a white button up shirt underneath a blue sweater. I had my hair curled with a white bow in the back with half my hair up  and half down. I held my books close to me as I walked down the halls and into my math class. I was the first one.

"Morning Y/n! Pick a seat, anywhere you'd like." The teacher said.

I nod and walk to the very back and sit at a desk close to the corner. I set my books in my book bag and looked at the door as students began flooding the classroom and sitting in seats. They were laughing and chatting together while I noticed one boy walk in. He looked like a rock n' roll type, wore baggy stuff and had long sorta curly hair. He had brown eyes and a nice smile. He looked at the teacher, smiled, then looked to the back at me. I blushed and looked down. I heard him begin to walk to the back as I tried to pretend I didn't exist. He stopped in his tracks in front of me so I slowly looked up at him. He had a emotionless face.

"I see you're trying to pretend you don't exist?" He said.

I chuckle softly and shrug, "yeah...I guess."

He laughed and motioned me to get up.

"You're in my seat."

My smile dropped and I felt my heart race.

"W-What? I'm so sorry—the teacher told me to sit wherever I wanted, I had no idea—"

"I'm just joking, babe. I sit next to you."

He then moved behind me and sat in the chair next to me. He stuck his hand out to me so I shook it.

"Eddie Munson."

I nod, "Y/n L/n."

He smirked, "wow, pretty name."

I blushed and let go of his hand.

"Alright, class! We're going to begin our assessment. So get out your textbooks—"she paused, "and we have a new student! Please rise and introduce yourself."

I gulped and stood, I inhaled sharply and looked at everyone.

"H-Hi...I'm Y/n. Y/n L/n. I moved here from Chicago...and I'm really, really nervous—I'm sorry."

The teacher shook her head, "don't worry. I'm Mrs.Smith. Take a seat—and Eddie. Help her find the page. And don't screw around."

I sat back down and exhaled slowly. Eddie patted my arm, so I looked at him.

"Great. Now let's get on with it."


I was out in the halls, being toured around by Eddie. He told me how boring this place was but not to worry. I would get used to it, but to stay away from the popular group. So I decided to stay with Eddie since he was the first person I've spoken to.

"Oh, and babe. If you wanna sit with me and my gang at lunch, you're more than welcomed to."

I looked at him, "do you just call every girl 'babe' or is that just me?"

He scoffed with a smile, "nope. Just you."


It was lunch now and I noticed a blonde girl starring. I mean, I was standing around, alone with my tray in my hands, waiting for Eddie. She got up and walked to me with a smile.

"Hey girly! I noticed you, you seem lost! And fabulous—anyways, you need a seat? I've got ya covered. I'm—"

"Woah! Woah, Woah!...Mary, you trying to steal Y/n from me?"

I felt an arm go around my shoulders as I knew it was Eddie.

"Ugh. Freak. Anyways, Y/n. It's up to you. Do you wanna sit with the populars? Or the FREAKS?" She said, spitting in Eddie's face.

I shrug, "I'm going to stay with Eddie...thank you though. He's kinda the only person I've—"

Eddie pulled me away and walked me to his table.

"Don't talk to her, that's rule number one. She might be popular, but she's a bully, she's mean, and if you made friends with her she'll make you miserable."

I nod as I sit down next to Eddie. All his bros stared at me and then at Eddie.

"Who's this, Ed?" One guy asked.

"Boys! This is Y/n. She's the new girl—and our new recruit."

They smiled and high-fived each other. I looked at Eddie.


He laughed with them and looked down at me, "don't worry, I'm only joking."

I nod as he went back to speaking with his friends. I flattened out my skirt and gulped. They all wore punk clothes but I stood out. I wore innocent girl wear and looked like some girl they were passing around. I sighed and looked down at my food. It was unappealing so I decided against eating it.

"So, Y/n. Do you play D&D?" One asked me.

I looked at him and furrowed my brows, "D&D? Like, that board game?"

They all nod, "yeah. It's more than that. It's a PIECE OF ART!" One other guy exclaimed.

I jumped a bit and Eddie chuckled, "calm down guys. You scared her."

I shook my head, "I'm fine...so? Do you guys just...hang out and play it together?"

One guy came with another guy. He had wavy black hair and the other had light brunette curly hair. They both looked at me and seemed shocked.

"Yes and hey boys!" Eddie responded.

They sat down and looked at me, "who's this?" They both asked in unison.


Eddie threw an arm over my shoulders and brought me close.

"Oh. So she like—a new recruit to play D&D with?" The black haired one asked.

"Who knows. Y/n, this is Mike! Mike, this is
Y/n. And Dustin, Y/n. Y/n, Dustin."

I waved at them both and they waved back.


Mike and Dustin blushed, then looked at Eddie.

"She like—your girlfriend or something?" Mike asked.

I blushed tons and looked down. Eddie brought me closer.

"No. Just a—a new friend. She's harmless, obviously. So don't worry."

"Oh wow. Munson? You got yourself another pretty, innocent, virgin!"

I shot my head up and saw a Basketball varsity jock laughing.

"Can't believe it! Should've listened to Mary when she offered you a seat. But listen, whenever you want it, you're always welcomed. Unlike these freaks, they don't belong."

I glared at him as he walked away. I looked at Eddie.

"Is it fine if I can be your friend?"

He smirked and looked at me, "sure. You can."

He took off his Jean jacket and put it around me.

"It's official. You're the recruit."


𝙐𝙎 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙔|| Eddie Munson   Where stories live. Discover now