36. Oooo she's a little runaway

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Next day
Dustin's pov

I got a knock on my door as I was busy talking with Suzie on our intercoms.

"One second Suzie-poo—MOM! Can you get that?!" I shout.

"I'm busy Dusty!!" Mom shouted back.

I groan, "give me one second, Suzie-poo."

"Okay, Dusty-bun."

I got up and walked out, going to my front door and opening it, seeing the police. My body tensed up when I saw them.

"Dustin Henderson. We need to speak to you about your two friends. Eddie Munson and Y/n L/n—or you can call her Y/n Creel."

I gulped, "sure, come in—"

"We need to take you to the station."


I sat in an interrogation room with the Chief sat down across from me and officer Callahan standing behind him.

"So, Eddie Munson isn't dead. He's alive. We know that you were in this club called Hellfire and you were connected to Edward Munson, correct?" Chief asked.

"Yes." I said.

"And Y/n Creel or as you know her by Y/n L/n, has been in a relationship with Edward Munson for quite some time. Correct?"

I nod, "that would be correct."

Chief took out a photograph and handed it to me, "My team found out she's pregnant and supposedly she ran off with her little boyfriend. She's a little runaway."

I looked at the photos of an ultrasound and documents from a clinic Y/n had gone to for positive test results of a pregnancy.

"That same day is when the earthquake happened and Munson was reported dead but then days later he comes back to life and she runs away with him? Seems odd, don't you think?" Callahan asked me.

I looked at them both, "I don't know anything about this, okay? The only thing I knew was that she was pregnant because she came to all of us, her friends! She came to us and told us because she trusts us, not because she just wanted to."

The Chief leaned back in the chair, "so you and all your friends knew? The first day?"

I nod, "yeah. But I didn't know she ran away! When?"

"Today. She left today with Eddie Munson. Or that's what we were told. Did you know this?"

I shook my head, "I never even knew he was alive...I never knew she left—I never knew anything!" I exclaimed.

Chief Powell stood with a nod and went to the door, opening it.

"You're free to go now."

I stood up and walked out, leaving the station and quickly running home and going to my intercom, quickly tuning it to the party's station.

"Does any body copy? THIS IS A CODE RED! I repeat! This is a CODE.RED."

Eddie's pov

We had found a hotel near by West Virginia, half way to New York City where Y/n and I wanted to go. We walked into the cold hotel which soothed me in a way as we had gotten our room key and went up to our room. When we walked in, it was decent but not the best as Y/n ran to a bed and laid down on it which made me laugh. I closed our door and locked it, walking to her and pulled her to me, hovering over her and kissing her. She giggled while I kissed down her neck but didn't want to bite her in case I would hurt her.

"Eddie, I love you so much." She whispered in my ear.

I smiled, "I love you too..."

I felt guilty by the secret I was keeping her about me...because I hadn't told her what really happened in the Upside Down...because I did survive but not old me, a new me survived. I just laid down next to her and parted from the kiss, seeing her get on her hands and knees in front of me, looking at me.

"You okay?" She asked.

I nodded, "totally fine...yeah."

She shook her head, "No, something's wrong. Tell me, what's wrong?"

I chuckled as she laid on top of me and gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Nothing is wrong, beautiful. Just feeling so relieved that we're together and away from everything." I huffed out.

Y/n sighed and pecked my lips before her eyes went heavy and then went shut as her breath went steady. I stroked her back and gently laid her down beside me as I felt my stomach churn and flip as I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom, kneeling by the toilet and puking inside. I sighed and saw some blood come up as I spit out the remaining and flushed. I groan and stood up, going to my mirror and looking at my eye bags become worse. Soon enough, they would be so bad to the point where it looks like I haven't slept at all and my eyes become red too. I checked my teeth and saw my fangs which always bothered me since I wasn't used to them cutting the insides of my lips.

"Fuck.." I mumbled.

I groaned and took my shirt off, ripping off my bandages and throwing them away. I felt no more pain whatsoever as I looked at the bite marks only were scars now. I put my shirt on and walked out of the bathroom, going right back to Y/n and undressing her out of her shoes and clothes before covering her in the blankets. I then stripped myself to my boxers and climbed in, pulling her close and snuggling her but I sniffed in a strong scent from her, making me hug her tighter. I looked at my nails and saw they had been growing but not like normal, growing into a sharp claw shape and my skin looked the same but it felt so sensitive. I held the back of Y/n's head as I held her close, sobbing with her in my arms as I knew I had lost myself, the person Y/n thought she had back but I was different. Not myself.

"God...I love you, Y/n. Always and forever...I love you more than anything. I don't want to lose you." I said to her and sniffled.

Her arms wrapped around me and brought me in close as she adjusted herself in my grip, making me loosen my tight grasp on her and chose not to choke her to death. I kissed her forehead and rested my forehead against hers as we both slept in peace together...or at least I tried to.


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