46. I do

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Y/n's pov after the black room*

I was out of the bath and dried off, dressed in some sweats and Eddie's T-shirt. He laid me down on our bed and kissed me with passion while in the middle of it, he parted for air and laughed as he tickled me. I shrieked in giggles as I shoved him off and and felt him grab my face again and kiss me.

"Eddie- Eddie!" I exclaim.

He parts from me and looks at me, "yeah?"

He got on top of me and pinned my arms down while kissing my shoulder and sinking his fangs lightly into my skin and back out.

"I saw Dustin today."

He nods and kissed my neck, "you all ready told me, babe."

"Yeah but I also told him about us getting married soon and I offered him to be your best man."

Eddie paused and looked at me, "you did?"

I nod with a smile, "yeah, I did. We're almost graduated too soooo...maybe our 'graduation party' could be our day. Our day to get married."

He nods and brushed some hair behind my ear, "yeah...yeah that would be amazing."

He kissed me again and gripped my thighs while picking up my legs to wrap around his waist. I gasped when he began to kissed down my neck and to my collarbone, then back up to my jawline. He gripped my wrists and flipped me around and forced my ass up as he ripped his shirt off and mine, coming back down on me and kissed my shoulder.

"Oh Eddie...I love you so much." I groan.

He pulled my hair back and kissed my cheek, "can I give you the best night of your life?" He asked me.

I nod and looked back to him, "give me everything, Eddie...please."

He ripped his pants off and mine as he grasped my hands and thrusted himself inside me while making me gasp and groan. He kept going at a harsh pace and made me grip our bedsheets. Eddie bent over me while thrusting his hips and moaning while he made passionate love to me. I thrusted my head back next to his as his long hair draped in front of his face. I examined his facial expressions and saw how much he enjoyed this and how much love he poured into this. He looked at me and kissed me while he thrusted and pounded.


I woke up with Eddie's arms wrapped around me and my stomach as the sun barely rose over the horizon. I looked at Eddie to see him in a deep sleep and his cut body just made him look like a god. I got up and walked down our hall and into our kitchen, getting myself a glass of water. I drank the water but immediately felt my stomach hurt. I gasp and put the glass down as I gripped my stomach and gasp as the pain then went away. I gulped and just sat on the floor with my hands over my stomach just as I heard footsteps.

"You should take better care of your son."

I looked up slowly to see my dad start to sit down in front of me.

"What?' I asked.

He shrugs, "when you go to school today... something will happen and you need to be careful for what you say and do. It could jeopardize your baby's life..."

That's when he disappeared and left me in confusion.


I sat at lunch with Eddie, talking to him about Ozzy and what we would do once he was in this world. Eddie suggested that once Ozzy was born, we could have me stay home and take care of him while he worked for us. But our conversation was interrupted once a blonde chick approached us.

𝙐𝙎 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙔|| Eddie Munson   Where stories live. Discover now