Chapter two: The Chosen One

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As me Chen, Kane, Jay, and Ping finished unpacking, it was already sunset.

" Well, it seems like were finished." slapping dust out of my hand.

" Look's like were going home." said both Jay and Ping. Then they ran for home.

" You should go home too." I said.

" Okay." and they both went home flying in separate directions.

I was happy they were leaving. So, I can tell my parents about the book.

I was waiting, and waiting, and waiting. They came eventually.

" Mom! Dad!" I shouted.

" Hello son." they said kindly.

My dad was tall, and my mom was a little shorter. They both had a wedding ring around their third finger.

" Mom, dad I need to tell you something..." I said

" It can wait." mom interrupted.

While she was putting the groceries away, I followed her. Only, to be left with disappointment.

Then I turned to dad with hopefulness.

" Dad I need to tell you something..." I said

" It can wait." dad interrupted.

Then I did something I shouldn't have.

" I found this book that was shiny! It sounded like it was talking to me!"

They stopped and said," Sit down I think it's time that we tell you."

" Tell me what?"

" Tell you... tell you, that you made a bond with that book. It belonged to your great-grandfather. He was the one who created this cycle. The book chose you to protect the world." said Mom.

" From what?" I asked.

" From... f-f-from your great grandfather's brother. You see, after the great dragon war, they parted ways. He made a creature called The Great Devour. Once he created it, he made it mutate within himself or forged with it, and became the toughest, biggest dragon their is. Something went wrong and caused that creation. Your great-grandfather wasn't able to kill him he was too powerful. So, he banished him into The Deathly Hollows a dangerous place. You can never escape, well you can escape but only with the orb. The orb is the most powerful weapon. It has enough power to transport out of their, with all of it's powers. But it can only be used once. Only once." said dad.

" So, I'm the chosen one? The one who will protect the world." I asked.

" Yes." said dad

" Son being the chosen one isn't that easy. I mean you haven't got your fire breath." said mom

" I know." I said disappointed.

" I'm the chosen one" I whispered to myself.

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