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Thousands above thousands of strange, at times rhythmic strikes, broke the quiet and peace inside the cave, on a daily basis. The cave was Badzanogh's home for the past several millennia. At first, he thought this was only his imagination, but the noise was becoming closer and louder by every passing day. Was someone trying to carve the way towards him? Or was this just a coincidence? One thing was for sure, he wasn't alone anymore. But who could manage to dig this deep underground?

Badzanogh had to find out. And the large stalactite in the far corner of the cave could help him do just that. The bond with the planet, he severed a long time ago, might yet be rekindled, if he could manage to use the stalactite, as some sort of conductor. With a lot of caution, elemental placed the palm of his hand, on the smooth surface of this stone formation. It wasn't too long, before his body began to feel everything that was happening around the entire Dorull.

In mere minutes, Badzanogh learned what he had missed, since he decided to live in complete solitude. The scenery became ever so richer. And with water, many different life forms appeared. Elemental was thrilled with this opportunity, to find out about all of those animal species. There were so many of them, and they were all beautiful, in their own way. Especially those winged creatures, who could fly. He fancied them the most. They were called the birds, Badzanogh learned.

Not long after them, various humanoid creatures appeared. Much more intelligent and organized, then those of the animal kind. Elemental was surprised seeing them build things. At first, they build small huts and shacks, then houses and buildings. Those buildings soon grew into the villages and cities. Humanoids were similar, but at the same time very different from one another. Badzanogh could differentiate between them, soon enough. There were goblins, and halflings, and dwarfs, elves, orcs, and humans. And vards. But vards were very different. They seemed as if they weren't supposed to be here.

Dorull looked beautiful, exactly as he dreamt it would turn out to be. But then, the first conflicts emerged. And with it, the first glimpses of the destructive behavior. And that confused Badzanogh a lot. Why would some destroy what others would build? Malevolent circle seemingly had no end. Elemental learned what is the meaning of a single murder, and then a thousands of others. So much killing, so much spilled blood. And for what? Where was this hatred coming from? Why couldn't they coexist with each other in peace? Was this planet too small for them? Surely not. Badzanogh could feel those vast, still uninhabited regions, still existing on this planet. Then why did they wage so many wars?

Elemental noticed their unusually high interest for various materials, which they procured with very calculated, and deep digging. Iron, bronze, copper, gold, and especially those shiny, precious stones, rubies, emeralds and diamonds. They were taking all of this beauty from the earth, to adorn themselves. And with that, for some strange reason, in the eyes of others, they looked more powerful. Badzanogh did not understand the meaning of wealth. At least not the same way, those humanoids perceived it.

And now, he figured, it seemed they were coming here, for the same reasons. They wanted to steal all of these shiny stones growing inside his cave. And with the amount of crystals and minerals that laid around here, they were probably trying to kill him too. But nobody knew he was down here, Badzanogh suddenly realized. This was surely nothing but a coincidence. Humanoids dug for the ore everywhere. That would explain all of the noises. His home was safe from their tools. Badzanogh budged a bit to the side of the small pool of lava, he was laying in. Heat relaxed him quite a bit. It was soothing. Barely a minute had passed, before the elemental was fast asleep.

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