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Chork Wlig, Nual-Sur's shaman, paced nervously back and forth over the small, natty square, in front of chieftain's residence. The two story hut, made out of stone blocks and wood. Shaman was covered in fur coat, stitched out of several mountain goat hides. His aged, freckled face was riddled with worry. A week ago, master Gvin rushed into the mines, without any explanation. The alleged, newly found deposit, was the probable reason for his departure, but the shaman didn't know that for sure. Seven days had passed since Gvin left, but no one, not even miners, received any news from the mine. And that was probable cause for concern.

Chork's wait came to an end, as the chieftain appeared from his home. Once he escorted his wife and daughter, he waved for the shaman to approach. Strong and muscly, Helk Blul was one of the strongest warriors of the tribe, and its leader for almost a decade. Twice younger than Chork, he often relied on shaman's wisdom and advice.

"Chold turned seven today." chieftain said looking after his daughter and wife, as they were heading towards the tunnel "She's going to the lake, to try the new rod. Thank you for it."

"Don't even mention it." the shaman waved his hand "I hope it'll serve her good."

"Something on your mind?"

"Master Gvin."

"Still no word from him?" Helk asked.

"No." Chork shook his head "Nothing."

"That's unlike him."

"I sense something terrible has happened.'' Shaman frowned.

"What do you mean? Some accident?" chieftain asked "There were no recent shakes, at least not that I know of. You?"

"Perhaps it's just my imagination."

"Whatever it is, it's better to be safe." Helk said "Come."

They went through the tunnel, into a narrow, long cave, in which goblins had built the marketplace and a couple of taverns. Along the tall, rugged walls, there were numerous guard posts. Most of them were quite near the exit, at the other side of the cave, leading out towards the surface. They proceed to the right, through another, very similar tunnel, and into a spacious, wide cavern. Six identical, two hundred feet tall, wooden buildings were erected alongside the walls, leaving the empty space in the middle of this complex. These were the quarters made for the accommodation and training of soldiers. And they were, at this moment, almost three thousand strong.

"Good day, your highness." a strong looking goblin wearing chain mail, bowed in front of the chieftain. And he did it, without even taking his eyes from the soldiers, who were doing some routine exercises, on the small range in the middle of the cave.

"Captain Kloin," Helk retorted. "Would you please do me a favor, and send one squadron down the mines."


"The search for master Gvin." the shaman whispered "He was last seen seven days ago."

"No contact I presume?"

"Nothing." Helk said.

"I see." Kloin frowned, "I'll personally lead the party."

"He is probably just..." the chieftain suddenly stopped.

A loud crashing sound made them all turn around. It sounded as if the entire ceiling, from one of the nearing caves, came toppling down. For a moment, there was absolute silence. But in the next, the horrific shrieks and screams, spread throughout the entire goblin city. The horns sounded two times, sharp and short. A call for help, on which soldiers readily answered. In a matter of seconds, they rushed from their barracks, in the defence of their homes. Their city. But before they even reached the tunnel, several goblin miners got in their way. Distraught out of fear, they were highly adamant to run far away from here.

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