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The underground city of Nual-Sur, on the exact border between Chaygor and Kabb'nal-An, stretched in the area not larger than five square miles. Seven caves, connected with carefully planned corridors, were home for about ten thousand goblins, mostly miners. In their search for ore and mineral riches, goblins combed through almost every cavern beneath the black mountains. Grandiose network of tunnels and corridors, stretching from north towards the south, connected the two regions through the underground pathway. Pathway known only to goblins. Their only mine, had to stay secret from the other races of Dorull.

But now, after many centuries of digging, it seems that the mine turned barren. Goblins were forced to search for ores deeper and deeper, no matter the risk. Entire mountain could topple down on their heads, because of their search. But they did not care. The vein they recently discovered was promising, and worth the risk. Every kind of ores and precious rocks intertwined into one thick lode. If their master miner was right, it could lead them to the wealthiest find in the entire Dorull.

"There's no end to this." a scrawny looking goblin spat on the ground, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Perhaps master was wrong. What if this vein is all that is left?" another, bit fatter goblin mumbled, plunging his pick-axe into a hard, tunnel wall.

"We would be forced to find a new mine. To build a new city."

"Surely not. That's not funny, Uld."

"Only reason we are here is this fuckin' ore."

"But this is our home. Wouldn't you feel bad, leaving this place?"

"Oh sure, these caves are the best looking place in the entire Kabb'nal-An valley." Uld said, sneering.

"Well, I wouldn't go that far, but you have to admit they have some sort of a charm."

"Sometimes Froht, I really think to myself, I'd have a more engaging conversation with my pick."

"Feel free to do so, I won't say a thing while you are this way."

"I think you already talked again." Uld smiled.

"After this."

"There you go again."

"I did not!" angry mostly at himself, Froht swung with the full force of his pick-axe, towards the tunnel wall.

Sharp end of the tool went straight through the hard rock. Out of the hole, not larger than the goblins fist, came out a ray of flickering light. Uld hastily peaked through it, but took a step back, just a second later, completely amazed.

"What is it? What do you see?" Froht carefully approached the opening.

" Entire cave full of diamonds." Uld stammered "Dig us a way in. And I'll go get master Gvin."

"Why not the other way around?"

"I wouldn't want to take the credits for the find, my friend. Apologies for my words before."

Froht contentedly turned facing the wall. He appreciated Uld's gesture, but didn't want him to see that. Besides, he would rather dig, than walk there and back again. And he had to dig the wall almost as wide as the tunnel itself, around ten feet in diameter. More than enough room for miners to pass by each other, while extracting ores from this cave. For Froht, one of the best miners in Nual-Sur, the task was as easy as any other. About half an hour of work, the goblin was sure of it. And he was done not a second late, because Uld had returned back. With him arrived a group of ten miners, led by master Gvin. This greyish, somewhat hunched goblin, well into his seventh decade of life, was the conductor of all the mining operations, for more than thirty years. Despite his age, he walked unusually sprightly. A promise of a possibly largest find ever, certainly contributed to that.

"Well done, Froht." master Gvin laughed loudly "Please, show us your find."

Fatty goblin bowed, before leading them into the cave. Small lake of lava illuminated the space, completely covered in large bouquets of diverse minerals and precious stones. The abundance of riches which no one, not even their master saw. Much more than any race of Dorull ever saw. This deposit will make them the most powerful tribe, they all immediately knew.

"Amazing!" Uld exclaimed.

"How is this even possible, master?" Froht asked.

"I always had my suspicions about something like this." Gvin said scratching his chin "Exactly as the trees. I always said ore veins reminded me of roots. And this cave...this cave is the treetop."

"Would that mean, there are hidden caves like this one, underneath every mine?" Uld asked.

"Probably." Gvin nodded, "Some perhaps even bigger."

"Imagine all of those riches lying intact."

"And we are the only ones, knowing about their existence." Gvin smiled "Fill your bags, lads. Chieftain Helk will need the proof, before granting the build of a transporting system."

Goblins did not need any additional motivation, this find will make them all quite wealthy. With loud cheers, they rushed towards the closest bouquet of minerals. But before any of them even managed to lift their pick-axes, the wave of lava came crashing down on top of their heads. Hot, melted, bright red matter, cover them in an instant. Nothing could save those unfortunate goblins. Surprised and aghast, master Gvin turned around, right on time to see a horrifying looking, stone creature, emerging out of the lava lake. It was completely engulfed in flames and magma, which seemingly dripped out of small, narrow cracks, stretching across the entire body and hands of this creature.

Gvin could not comprehend, how is this monstrosity even being able to exist, to live. He was positive this creature is alive. But how? Goblin had no chance to find the answer to that question. Just a few seconds later, a heavy, boulder-like fist squashed him down. His death was instantaneous. Gvin looked as if the entire cave ceiling came crashing down on him. Broken and smashed, he expired not even knowing what had happened.

"Run!" Uld screamed, as he turned towards the tunnel.

Goblin managed to make just a couple of steps, before the creature grabbed him. In an instant he found himself in the air, as his every bone began to crack. Uld's squashed, deformed body hit against the coarse cave wall, killing him in the moment of impact. Hidden behind a rather large cluster of diamonds, Froht watched, with terror in his eyes, how all of his friends and brothers died in the matter of seconds. And now, once he was left all alone, he hoped that this monstrosity wouldn't notice him.

But the miner was out of luck, as he found out mere seconds later. In one jump, elemental was right behind the goblin. These insolent intruders, these beings, these weakly bags of flesh and bones, had shown him their true intentions, breaking into his final resting place. Plunderage and destruction, without an ounce of respect, was their whole motivation. Badzanogh had to stop them, before they destroyed and ruined everything. With one sharp, short swing of his hand, elemental tossed the goblin all the way to the cave ceiling. Vehement blow crushed the goblin's skull and all of his neck vertebrae, killing him in an instant.

Moments later, Badzanogh turned towards the tunnel that goblins just dug. Their settlement must have been at the other end of it. Elemental had no doubts in his mind, humanoid creatures had to disappear. Otherwise, their imprudent, aggressive behavior will surely imperil the very existence of Dorull.

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