Chapter One: A Nightmare on Elm Street

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Charlotte sat on a bench outside of the gym aimlessly playing with the hem of her cheer skirt

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Charlotte sat on a bench outside of the gym aimlessly playing with the hem of her cheer skirt.

She had been waiting for Chrissy who was talking with a boy in Charlotte's grade.

That boy was Eddie Munson.

Now Charlotte didn't pry into others personal lives but when she saw Chrissy and Eddie frequently interacting she wanted to know more.

When Chrissy turned back to look at Charlotte she tried her hardest to act as if she wasn't staring at them the whole time.

"Char, we have to stop by Eddie's before the party."

"I hope that's ok."

Charlotte nodded.

"Chrissy, I am in no rush to go drink warm flat beer in an abandoned restaurant with the basketball team so yes it's more than ok."

Chrissy smiled before linking arms with Charlotte and leading her towards Eddie's van.

Eddie was leaning against his van with a cigarette hanging from his lips.

When he saw the girls approaching he threw the cigarette down and straightened his clothes trying to appear presentable.

"M'Ladies your chariot awaits."  Eddie grinned holding out his hand.

He helped Chrissy in first and then Charlotte.

As he held Charlotte's hand he couldn't help but take in her appearance.

His eyes wondered over her figure taking in as much as he could in the dark.

"Well thank you kind sir."

When Charlotte took Eddie's hand she couldn't help but notice the rings and nail polish that adorned his fingers.

She found it rather attractive.

As Eddie sped through town he blasted rock music and poorly sang along which made both girls laugh.

The van came to a screeching halt as they pulled up to the house.

"This is my castle." Eddie joked as he hopped out of the van.

The two cheerleaders followed him into the trailer.

"Sorry for the mess." Eddie mumbled while shoving some of the trash out of sight.

"Oh please you should see my room it makes this place look spotless." Charlotte smiled.

Even though it was just a simple comment what Charlotte said put the biggest smile on Eddie's face.

"Chrissy, I'm gonna grab what you want." Eddie said while walking towards his room.

The two girls sat on the couch randomly talking about the day when Eddie came back.

"How long does it take?" Chrissy asked.

"Sorry?" Eddie questioned.

"The special K. How long does it take to kick in?"

Eddie went on to explain that the affects of the drug is faster if Chrissy were to snort it.

Charlotte didn't say anything because Chrissy was her friend but she was beyond surprised to learn that Chrissy had moved on from a drug as mild as weed to snorting ketamine.

"And you have this stuff right?" Chrissy asked hoping to leave soon.

Chrissy knew that if they were any later to the party the boys would grow suspicious of where they had been.

Eddie nodded and began to search the trailer for the drugs again.

Charlotte stood from the couch.

"I'm going to use the bathroom before we go."

After just a few minutes in the bathroom Charlotte heard yelling from the living room.

"What's going on?" Charlotte panicked while rushing back into the room.

Standing before them was Chrissy with her eyes rolled back and completely unresponsive.

"Eddie, what the hell is going on!"

The two teens watched frozen in fear.

Eddie began to shake Chrissy in an attempt to wake the girl.

"Chrissy wake up!"

"Come on Chrissy this isn't fucking funny!"

The two continued to yell hoping that girl would show any sign of life.

"I don't like this Chrissy wake up!"

"Chrissy if this is a fucking joke!"

Charlotte tried everything she could think of in hopes of snapping the girl out of whatever trance she was in.

Just as Charlotte went to shake Chrissy's shoulder the girl was ripped up towards the ceiling.

Eddie and Charlotte huddled into each other as they watched in horror.

It was like a scene right out of a horror movie because suddenly Chrissy's bones began to break and snap as she was dragged across the ceiling.

"Holy shit!"

"Jesus Christ!"

It continued to get worse.

Chrissy's eyes disappeared and her body was continually folded and snapped in every which way until the girl was nearly unrecognizable.

And then as if nothing had happened Chrissy's lifeless body fell back to the ground.

There was a moment of silence as Eddie and Charlotte stared down at the body.

Fear had completely taken over.

And without thinking both teens ran from the trailer and got in the van before fleeing the scene.

lol this is like the first
things i've ever written
so if it sucks don't tell me

i hope u guys enjoy <3

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