Chapter 9 (part 2)

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*** two days earlier

"Rui, I'm actually not so sure about this," You said nervously, thinking back to the scary vision you got.

He laughed, tucking some human food into a bag. "Nonsense. This is going to be amazing. I put Jiri in charge.. Hopefully the house doesn't burn down."

You agreed, blushing at how Rui sounded like a dad when he said that about Jiri. You shoved those feelings aside. "I don't know, I'm getting a bad feeling about this. Like something might go wrong."

Rui turned to you, and took a few steps closer. He wrapped his arms around your waist and stuffed his face into your hair. "That's not possible. You're a super-powerful former demonslayer, and I am- strong. We can look out for each other," he murmured in your ear.

"That's not-" Rui interrupted you, putting a finger over your lips. "Oh? Then.. what are you afraid of?" he whispered, his other hand brushing suggestively along your neck.

You blushed, and smacked his hand away. "Stop it!" you said, even though you didn't actually want him to.

"Come on, let's go," he chuckled with a last little glance at your collarbone. You followed him out of the house, where Kioti and Jiri were waiting. Kioti kicked his leg stump around angrily, which resulted in your uncontrollable laughter. "I came to visit and now you're leaving!?" His tone was mocking, and sarcastic.

"Y-yeah," you said, trying to regain your breath. "Can you stay with Jiri and babysit the siblings?"

Kioti adjusted his spectacles, a warm smile on his face. "I-I wouldn't mind staying here a bit longer, I can definitely help." You noticed a slight blush on his face, and a smile of your own split your cheeks. "Great!"


You strolled down a quiet street in a small village, holding Rui's hand and munching on a snack. The full moon illuminated the street almost as bright as day, though you had gotten used to traveling in dim light. Despite the slight chill in the air it was a perfect night.

You squeezed Rui's hand. "Remember the day we first met?" You ask, glancing around nostalgically.

"Of course. I maimed your brother," Rui replied matter-of-factly.

"This is the village I took him to afterwards. The hospital is on the other side of town," you said.

Rui looked down the street behind him. "It's a nice little town," he commented. Then his expression took a serious turn. "You know, I had a thought the other da-"

You let out a horrible scream as blood splattered over the pavement. Exactly like in your vision. Fear stopped you in your tracks, but there was no pain accompanied by it. You weren't hurt.

You slowly turned your head towards Rui, and your heart skipped a beat. His face was contorted in pain, blood spilling freely from a giant gash that ran down the length of his entire body.

"B-behind you," he choked, staggering backwards to lean against a building. You whirled around, whipping your sword out to face the enemy.

"Oh? A demonslayer.. I didn't expect to find any out here," a demon stood behind you, one hand covered in Rui's blood. Blue and white patterns crossed his entire body, complimenting his short red hair. You froze when you saw his eyes. He was one of the twelve Kizuki.. The demons you had been meant to kill.

"She isn't a demonslayer anymore. Why are you here, Akaza?" Rui said, stepping beside you having healed his wound.

The demon ignored the question, instead asking his own. "She isn't a demonslayer anymore... I wonder, what did you get kicked out for?" A wicked smile split his face.

Rui grabbed your arm, stopping you from answering. "Why did you attack me?" He asked in return.

Akaza sighed. "I was simply bored, and I smelled human. It must be my lucky month! It seems as though I'll get to shed the blood of another powerful demonslayer."

Rui was about to respond, when you stopped him. "What do you mean? Have you killed a hashira!?" You cried. Your old friends... did this demon kill one?

"Yes, I have recently," Akaza hissed.
Your heart dropped. Who?

"He was extremely irritating- it took me way too long to kill him. The guy just kept getting up! He had to show off for some student or something. And don't get me started on his annoying flames." The demon ranted.

Tears began to make their way into your eyes as you realized what the demon had said. "Rengoku..." you breathed. He was dead? And this demon killed him.

You stood still for a moment, processing what you had just learned, before rage crashed through your veins as if a dam had broken in your heart. You clenched your jaw, and suddenly you lunged at the demon, tears streaming behind you.

"I'll kill you! I swear I'll kill you and every one of the twelve Kisuki for what you've done!" You screamed, swinging your sword at the demon.

He dodged, narrowly missing your blade. The second you missed, you attacked again, now with mist pouring out of the hilt. It spread everywhere, blocking the demon's view. You circled around him making attacks and dodging him.

Rui shouted from somewhere in the fog. "Y/n, be careful! He's stronger than you think!"
You didn't care. This demon killed Rengoku. No matter how strong he was, you would kill him. And then you'd find his friends the Kisuki and make them all pay.

Akaza grinned with delight as you cut him, missed, dodged and then cut off his left arm. It grew back in seconds, but you never let up.

"So... Rui wants you to be careful now?" Akaza grinned. "The way he said it almost makes me think he might care for you."
"Shut up and die!" You yelled, swinging at his neck.

"You aren't allowed to cut that," he smirked, stopping your sword with his hand, then throwing it to the side. A prickle of fear stabbed your heart as you realized you had lost your weapon.

He crept towards you, his fingers swaying in anticipation. "Let's see your blood," he smiled. He jumped at you, swinging his arm across your body. You screamed in pain as his nails ripped through your skin.

"Y/n!!!" Rui yelled. "Akaza, you'll pay for harming her!"

The last thing you saw was Rui lunging between you and Akaza, his fangs bared and webs flashing silver in the moonlight.

A/n: A big thank you to all you patient readers! Life is so crazy, and finding time to plan, write and update this has been more difficult than I thought. I appreciate your support and comments! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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