Chapter four: Witchcraft tools

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As a Witch, you don't have to follow an exact guide for how to make spells. However, there's quite some tools that are recommended to have.

Candles can be used in almost all spells and are a very useful tool for all witches, from begginer to advanced. Candles come in a variety of colors, each meaning something else. White candles can be used for any spell, willing to replace any candle color. White is used for purity, cleansing, light and protection. Candles are used for sealing spells and making different spells.

Quartz, as in Clear Quartz, is a crystal that can replace any other crystal and can be programmed for anything. Clear Quartz is also used for amplifying the effect of a spell.

Salt is a magickal ingredient used for cleansing and constructing protection circles for spells.

Journal / Book of Shadows
A book of shadows is a journal in wich you write everything you've learnt about Witchcraft. In your BoS you write your knowledge, your spells and maybe your questions you wish to research in the future. A BoS is important because that way you don't have to remember everything and you have it all organized in a single notebook. 

A Pendulum is a necklace used to communicate with the Universe. Pendulums are usually crystal necklaces, but they can be any necklace or even a piece of thread. All you need to make an object your Pendulum is intention, practice, cleansing and mostly your belief in it. To use a Pendulum, you take your necklace and hold it in the air. You ask it to show you "yes" and "no", then ask questions you know the answer of, and then the questions you want to be answered. By the way it swings, you'll know the answer. The way your Pendulum works differs from person to person. For example, mine shows "yes" by swinging in a circle and "no" by swinging in a line, but it might me different for you. So don't worry if your Pendulum "doesn't work" because it's different from another person's Pendulum.

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