My Merchandise - Yelena Bolva

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My eyes gazed into the bottle of deadly content it contains as the huge brown doors slowly opened revealing the lackeys of my current bank account.

"Fresh catch?" I smirked as I watched them drag the body along.

"Contain your excitement she's not dead." I pouted, experimenting is the best part of this job.

I watched as they chained the girl up to a chair, after finishing one pointed at me and then at the girl "She is the merchandise we are planning on selling her off for money if things don't go according to watch her!" He sternly raised his voice.

"Sure whatever.." I descended from the case of stairs as the lackeys left the warehouse.

I walked over to a chair dragging it behind me and then in front of me to sit in. I stared at the bag on the girl's head which they didn't remove.

"I can feel your eyes on me."

My eyes widened and my heart raced. She has a strong Russian accent, attractive, very attractive.

"Sorry, the bag on your head is bothering me. Is it bothering you?" She shrugged.

"Of course, anyone with a bag on their head along with a blindfold would be bothered or better yet pissed off." I smiled at her sarcasm.

I left my seat and crouched in front of her, this caused her to react trying to attack me but the chains restrained her. I was shocked a bit but not much.

"Do you want me to remove it for you?" She shrugged once again.

"Do what you want, isn't that what criminals do?" I giggled at her response while moving to remove the unnecessary material on her head. "Yes, you're correct."

I stared at her blonde hair after removing the bag on her head then slowly went for the blindfold. "I'm removing the blindfold now." I don't know why but I felt like I had to let her know what I was doing before touching her.

I tossed the blindfold aside and walked to my chair admiring the beauty before me.

"They sure did catch a rare one huh?" She scoffed,

"Don't talk about people as possessions.." I smiled while still staring "too rare, don't worry nothing will happen to you." I rose from my chair going to my area up the staircase. I grabbed all my materials and deadly content heading back to the beautiful blonde head.

I sat down with a huff strapping myself up properly "what's your name?" Silently I looked up as her blue eyes scanned what I was carrying.

"Don't worry I'm not using any of this on you. Name?"

"I have no reason to tell that to you." I smiled once again, she isn't wrong. "Well, my name is Y/n nice to meet you." The doors opened and I rose from my seat standing next to the blonde head.

The lackeys gave me a pissed-off stare. "I said don't touch her." I shrugged, then stared at my boss. He had a briefcase in his hand.

"Mine?" I asked and he held his arm out tossing it my way.

I walked over grabbed it checking to see the right amount then closed it. "Y/n hand over the girl."

I went over to the girl and then sucked my teeth "Nah."

They all gave me a what did you say look. "I can't do that, I like her." The boss sighed "Y/n all jokes aside I have business w-"

"If it involves selling her off or killing her then no I will not let you have her." They all grunted their teeth then proceeded to pull out their guns and I grabbed a bottle which caused them to freeze.

"Why did you stop?" I smiled as I went over to the blonde head and put a mask over her then over me.

"Y/n let's talk.." I shook my head "I work for bad people yeah but have ever thought about why they are off the map now?" I threw the bottle over in their direction then multiple surrounding them. I broke the blonde head loose and she followed me as we ran out as they coughed up blood and started bleeding to death.

As we caught our breath outside far from the warehouse, the blonde pulled out a handgun pointing it toward me.

I raised my hands "Thanks for that but you're a criminal." I nodded.

"You are too rare to be merchandise but, a beautiful goddess suits you better." The blonde had a tint of red on her cheeks but it didn't stop her stern eyes.

I darted my eyes behind her and she directed her attention that way for a second, I took that second and ran away. "Hey!" I swiftly went into a crowd of people and made my escape.

After a while, I was on top of a building watching the blonde head look for me in the crowd. I looked at whatever ID she had that I snatched with a smile "Yelena Bolva, I hope to see you again my merchandise."

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