The King's Problem

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Gowther's POV.

While staring at the sky i heard the captain calling my name downstairs "Heeeey! Goooowtheer! Someones heere to seee yaaaah!" He yelled what could he possibly mean? Who would want to see me? I reluctantly went downstairs while wiping my cheeks that have been currently stained with tears. "Yes i'm here what is it captain? I then saw Hendrickson, Dreyfus and Slader

"Oh these three wanted to talk to yah!"

"Okay about what?..."

I looked at the three as they said "the King has been acting strange lately"      they sighed.

King Bartra has been acting strange i wonder why? I thought.

"What do you mean? Acting strange?"

"Well he has been like that since the other day" Slader sighed.

"What are his actions that you find strange?"

" he was constantly murmuring,spacing out,nodding,sighing and thinking..." Hendrickson replied worriedly

Don't you think he's been like that cause his old? I mean he had lived sooo long so-... The captain had been cutoff by Slader who immedietely pulls his sword to the captain's throat.

"The King is still healthy in his age! I think he just have a serious problem!" Slader stated in a serious tone.

*Sigh* "Okay what can i do to help then" i said arms crossed.

"Ummmm. We were uhhh...going to ask a very huge favor for you." Dreyfus said shyly

"Yes what can i do" i replied

"Sir Gowther could you ask the King about his problems without reading his mind of course" Hendrickson said desperately.

"Well i know we were started to sound desperate but we have no choice" Slader pleaded.

"Why of course! The king has helped me so much in the past i owe him a lot so why not!" I gave them a reassuring smile.

They all sighed in relief as the Princess thanked me.


I walked at the palace long hall while remembering my past memories in here my happy and sad one's i sighed and walked towards the throne room *ehem* i coughed to gather King Bartra's attention and of course it worked his eyes grew wide when he saw me i also noticed that he was sweaty and anxious

"O-o-oh G-Gowther what bring's you here?" He said in a surprised tone.

"Well,Slader along with Hendrickson and Dreyfus told me that you seem to be acting strange...? What's wrong? Do you have a problem?.." I asked worriedly.

"Oh my! No i don't have a problem not at all i  just remembered a promise i had a long time ago" He replied in a sad tone.

"I don't understand what kind of promise?" I asked again grewing more curious.

Nothing, it's just uhhh... *sigh* you'll know it soon..." the King smiled leaving me confused.

"Okay then" i smiled back.

"You can tell the others not to be worried about me okay" he said in a cheerful tone.

"Wow! From being anxious to cheery! Bartra has really becoming an oldman oh!He was already one." I joked making him laugh.

"Haha!You sure know how to cheer someone up!*sigh* no wonder you get along so well." The king spoke a hint of sadness in his tone.

"Yeah" i muttered.

"Oh well you should get back now. I'm sure the others were waiting for you." He suddenly said.

"Oh yeah, goodbye Bartra."

"Okay bye, Gowther"

I turned around to leave the throne room feeling a heavy chest i wanted to cry,but not here. I was slowly walking to the long hallway when some spoke my name "Oh one of the seven deadly sins Gowther, what brings you here?"one of the princesses greeted me it was Princess Veronica, i assumed she just finished sword training.

"Oh i just spoke to the king about something don't worry it's nothing serious"
i reassured her, looking at her makes me want to cry even more. 'Geez!Well they really look alike huh.'

"Uhmm.. hellooo!Are you okay?." She said snapping her fingers.

"Oh! It's nothing i just...*sigh* you remind me of someone who looks like you" i said pretending to be fine and holding back my tears.

"Someone who look like me?...who?" She asked confusingly.

"Just ask you're father he'll know what to say" i replied in a sad tone leaving her a little bit shocked and confuse.

"I needed to go...bye Princess Na- I mean Veronica" i said while turning back.


I finally returned back, the moment i opened the door everyone turned their heads to me.

"How was it Gowther what did he tell you!" Slader said nervously.

"No worries he is fine,he told me not to make you all worried" i smiled I heard them all sigh of relief.

"So why was he so worried these past few days?" Hendrickson asked.

"He just told me that he remembered a promise" i said.

"What kind of promise?" Dreyfus asked.

"I don't know?he didn't tell me,plus didn't you guys say not to read his mind SO I DON'T KNOW!?" I replied making them a little guilty.

"But he said i will find out soon... i still don't know what he meant by that." I sighed making them confused again.

"What do you mean?" King asked.

"Like i said I DON'T KNOW. I said for like the third time.

They all went back to what they were doing while i climbed upstairs to the attic when i finally arrived i locked the doors and buried my face to a pillow and cried my heart out. I just hope no one will hear it but it still makes me wonder what does Bartra mean by that?.

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