Clueless Comrades

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Meliodas POV.

As Gowther went upstairs Hendrickson ordered some ale. They were still talking about Bartra's behavior. Meanwhile i looked at Elizabeth to see her worried about her father,well i know Bartra has a lot of problems as a king of Liones we knew it shouldn't be strange at all being a king of a big kingdom is hard but this time it's different in a very peculiar way but something tells me we shouldn't worry about it. *sigh* what a troublesome day...

Bartra's POV.

I didn't know that my behavior had alerted the others well i can't really blame them but i still don't know how to fulfill that (PROMISE) that i swore many years ago if only a miracle will happen but for now it's beyond impossible,after all a important event will occur next week i always knew how to organize special events but this time it was different how will i prepare everything without anyone knowing about it. *knock,knock* "may i come in?"

"Who's there?"

"You're tomboy princess!"

*sigh* "okay you may come in"

"Hey there father!"

" Veronica!How many times have i told you to act more ladylike!"

"Yeah,yeah whatever!"

"Where did you even get that attitude?"

"I dunno maybe from uncle or my untie?"

"First of all Denzel is a boy so it's not a suprise when he acts like that and second you're aunt is a very well mannered lady so you should act more like her!"

" Oh!Speaking of that do you know someone who look like me?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well one of the seven deadly sins told me that i look like someone he knew but...he never told me who it was he just said ask you're father he'll know what to say?"

" really look like her, but you and her have a worldly difference!"

"Really what kind of difference?"

"In the way she speaks,acts,walks and stands! And please for the love of this kingdom stand properly!"

"Oh well i'm off to take a bath! Byeee!" *turns around to leave in a marching style*

'I swear to the godesses if she just didn't look like her i would think she is not my daughter...where did she even got that attitude?'

"Oh! I know how to fulfill that promise! I got it you'll see sister!

End of Pov.

At the Boar's Hat...

"Sate,sate,sate... what are we gonna do today?"

"I dunno? You decide cap'n"

" about we play some games"

"Like what?"

"You decide"

*Sigh* "seriously they have been asking each other what to do for hours now."

"I agree with you Merlin san"

" i got it"

"What is it captain?!"

"Let's have a drinking competition!"

*POW* "captain you idiot!You just drink last night and now a drinking competition!?"

"What are going to do then Diane?"

"I have an idea"

"Yes ask the mage she'll know what to do!What are we going to do Merlin?"

"You guys just shut up cause you're all giving me a headache if you don't want to shut up you all will be my next guniea pig!"



Meanwhile at the attic...

"No one one cares...i thought it is a very important day then why no one remembers it! Oh right they didn't know but if i tell them.... nah they would just think i'm joking anyways *sigh* maybe if you were here i would've been happy and got to celebrate it like the others, now it's next week and still no one got to have a single clue" Gowther talks to himself crying in the balcony of the attic.

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