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We all gasped in shock! There were tables and chairs a lots of food and a big birthday cake in the center and on top of that hanging from a tree wrote in giant letters captioned
(HAPPY BIRTHDAY)! And then we all heard someone singing...

"🎵Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you!🎵" it was Bartra chuckling hands in his hips.

"Huh?! Who had a birthday?"

"Ummmm... father who had a birthday?"

"Was it you Hendy?"


"Then who?!"

*sniff,sniff* "Y-y-you rem-membered my birthday?"


"G-Gowther today is you're birthday?!"

"Oh i'm sorry we don't know!"

"Wait do doll's even had a birthday!?"

"Y-yeah i had one!"

"How? You weren't even born!?"

"Well my birthday isn't the day i was born my birthday was when i met the love of my life!"

"The love of you're life?"

"He means my sister!"

"What!? No way!? Gowther and you're sister are..."


"That was crazy!"

"Wait! How do you know my birthday?"

"Many years back my sister told me about it *sigh* she knew that she wasn't gonna live for too long so she ask me to promise her to celebrate you're birthday with you're friends in the future, and now the time has come, you haven't celebrated you're birthday in the past 45 years right?"

I can't believe what i was hearing, Nadja made Bartra promise to celebrate my birthday?

"I don't understand w-why did she make you promise that?"

"Because she loves you silly"

"She d-does"

"Even if she's not here anymore i'm sure she still loves you no matter what path you choose she will and always love you!" Bartra said tearfully.


"Of course! Tell me do you still love my sister?"

"With all my heart!"

"Happy birthday Gowther!"

I turned around to see everyone crying and smiling at me.

"Awww...thank you!"

"My worry is finally gone!"

"Wait! Is that why you've been acting strange lately?"


"Thought so!"

"Well what are you waiting for come and blow the cake!"

I make a wish and blew the cake as everyone cheered and clapped.

"Tell us what did you wish" Everyone said excitedly.

"I wish to see her in my dreams these night❤️"

"Awww...that's so sweet!"

"Oh!By the way i have to give you these!"

Bartra told me while handing a letter and a small box.

"What's this?"

"Open it!"

I opened the box and i gasped a beautiful music started playing (Perfect Time slowed) i recognize this music this is the music we first dance back then!

"N-no way t-this is..."

"That *sigh* was her gift to you she asked me to gave it to you in you're birthday."

I didn't speak i just look at the music box it has two person dancing in the middle as i looked closer i realize that it was the both of us!

"W-wait Bartra d-did she make this?"

"Yes! She made that herself you know she really got some talent! She made and filled it with love for you"

Tears started to fall down in my cheeks as i opened the letter she wrote more tears started to fall from my eyes.

   Dear Gowther,

           If you are reading this letter then it means it's you're birthday. Well happy birthday!
  Maybe i wasn't alive when you're reading this,even so i wanted you to know that wherever i am i will always and always love you so please, even when i'm not with you remember that you're not alone, even if  everyone hates or turned against you i'm always here for you, and i'm sorry if i didn't celebrate you're birthday with you even though i promise to. I hope you're not alone and have friends. Please don't cry for me i don't want to see you cry and don't ever call yourself a doll always remember we both have the same heart who loves and cares. I LOVE YOU MY LOVE❤️

                                                                                                          Truly yours, Nadja ❤️

"Hey! Are you alright?"

"I'm just happy thank you all so much!"

End of POV.

Little did Gowther know someone was watching him from the land of the dead tearfully wishing him a happy birthday...

(A/N  i finally finished it thank you so much for reading! By the way you can also check out my other story if you're interested it's also about Gowther and Nadja. Once again thank you!) 🥰

The Goat's Sin of Lust Birthday 🐏🐐🎂🎉Where stories live. Discover now