Castle Meeting?

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Gowther's POV.

It's been a week and now the day has finally come....but no one has a single clue *knock,knock* "huh?Who's that?"

"Gowther,may i come in?"

"Oh!Of course Merlin"

"Dress up now we were going to the castle king Bartra called us right now!"

"The king? Why?"

"He didn't say anything he just said let's all dress up nicely and come to the palace cause he has something to say."



What does Bartra had to say? And why do we all needed to dress up? Guess i'll find out later. Let's see anything nice to wear?.... *sigh* guess i only have girly stuff huh! Oh i know what to wear! Where is it?Where is it? Aha! Found it! I wore the clothes that my princess gave me thank the godesses it's still fine. I went downstairs to find everyone all dressed-up when i got down they all turned their heads to me.

"Oh! Wow! Gowther where did you get that it suits you!" Diane said happily.

"Oh! This thing it's a gift from someone who is dear to me." I replied smiling.

"Really! Well that clothes are nice! Whoever gave that to you has some taste in clothes!" Elizabeth complimented.

"Hehe...actually it's you're grandpa's hand-me-downs."

"What?!" Everyone replied shocked.

"Anyways why are we going to the castle?"

"His majesty didn't say a thing he just said he had something important to say?" Slader replied.

"Let's not waste any more time let's go there right now!" *snap*

And with a snap of  Merlin's finger we arrived at the palace hall we saw Princess Margaret and Princess Veronica waiting for us.

"Oh you're finally here"

"Princesses may i ask why you're father ask us to come here?"

"To be honest he didn't tell us anything he just told us to wait here for you all."

"Ha! Now the flat chested knight has finally arrived" Princess Veronica suddenly said while pointing her head to Guila.

"Hey! I'm not! And what do you call yourself then we're both flat anyways! LADY VERONICA!"

"Tsk! I told you for the millionth time DON'T CALL ME THAT!"

"Hey ladies stop arguing!" Hendrickson said to stop the two.

"Let's just go to the garden." Jericho sighed.

"The garden?"

"Yes! Father said when you all arrived meet him at the garden." Princess Margaret smiled.

We all walked together along with the captain, the three princesses, Diane, King, Ban, Elaine, Merlin, Escanor, Simon, Slader, Dreyfus, Hendrickson, Guila and Jericho. But something inside me wants to blow it wasn't nervousness it was excitement? When we reached the garden door we all looked at each other and slowly opened the door and.....

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