𝟬𝟬𝟰 ━ Leaving so soon?

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ioh! chapter four
━ Leaving so soon?

Morning came around and Jules was already up before everyone else. She didn't sleep, as predicted, all Jules did was sit and ponder in her thoughts, draw a little and read slightly.

She decided to go and cook breakfast for everyone, keep her mind off of things. She plated the table and everyone was sat down, eating.

"Aw, sweetheart, you didn't have to make all this food for us." Karen kissed the girl on the crown of her temple and she simply shrugged.

She could see Mike stuffing toaster waffles into his jacket, non-discretely, she was surprised no one had asked him what he was doing. Mike then sat at the table eating rather quickly, Jules had already eaten but was now eating some sliced strawberries with a drizzle of sugar on top.

Pietro laughed at Mike, his attempt to be secretive was not very affective but nobody seemed to notice━Pietro's meals were larger than everyone else's, he had to eat bigger meals because of his superhuman metabolism. So he sat with ten pancakes, drizzled in almost a bottle full of syrup.

Everyone looked at Mike strangely, he was never one to scoff down his food like this, but they were oblivious to the girl downstairs, "Slow down, Mike. That's disgusting." Nancy grimaced.

Mike turned to her annoyed, "Do a lot of studying last night?" Pietro let out a snort, Julianna excused herself from the table, a small smile failing to stay off her face.

"━what was your test on again? Human anatomy?" The family could hear Jules laugh as she walked down the stairs.

Pietro grinned at Mike. "I'm sure you had fun learning about all those parts. The brain, the heart, the lungs, the genita━"

"Pietro! Stop being an asshole!" Nancy shouted, forcing her parents to scold her for her language. Pietro raised his hands in innocence━a grin lathered on his face as he nudged Mike.

Mike and Pietro had decided to make it their soul mission to tease their sister about the late night visit she had last night with Steve Harrington.

"I have no idea how you can eat that much, Pietro!" Karen shook her head at her son.

Pietro shrugged, as if it was normal━it was for him, and knowing Pietro, he would be hungry again an hour after he'd finished this meal.

Downstairs, Jules walked over to the self-made den and lifted the blanket to see El messing with Mike's 'supercomm' as he calls it.

"Good Morning, El." Jules spoke cheerfully giving El a ghost of a smile on her face. Before she could respond, the door slammed open and two sets of feet pounded on the wooden slabs.

Mike and Pietro marched down the stairs, "Hey you found my supercomm. Pretty cool, huh? I talk to my friends with it. Mostly Lucas, cause he lives so close. Signal's pretty weak." Mike pulled out a toaster waffle from his coat pocket and handed it to El.

"So, listen, this is going to sound really weird, but I just need you to go out there. Then go to the front door and ring the doorbell. My mum will answer and you'll tell her that you're lost and that you need help. But whatever you do, you can't tell her about last night or that you know me, Jules or Pietro." Mike nodded at her, switching his hand between himself and Jules.

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