𝟬𝟬𝟲 ━ bag of mysteries

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ioh! chapter six
━ bag of mysteries

Julianna could hardly sleep the night previous━it seemed to be an occurrence now. She always seemed to be worrying about her brother and his friends, or if Will was safe.

The ginger turned in her bed, thin, satin sheets coving her body barely keeping her warm━although warmth wasn't on her mind right now.

"Can't sleep." The voice of her idiotic brother filled her ears.

Jules looked up, he was perched at her desk, feet kicked up, his silhouette shone in the moonlight.

"I told you to stop doing that." Jules slumped back down in her bed, turning her head to the side.

Pietro sped towards her bed, jumping down onto his sister's bed, sighing. "I can't either━I just, I feel like we can do something to help El stay away from him━"

"Pietro, you know it's too dangerous, I need to protect you, above anyone else, my family is my main priority━" Jules was sat up, her eyes boring into Pietro's, as far as she could see with the lack of light.

"━we could make a difference, Julianna." Pietro moved closer, his hands grasping her shoulders lightly. "Those━those are children, innocent children that are being made weapons. We can do something, Jules."

"I don't want to lose you again!" Julianna snapped, her eyes shifting colours as she expressed her concerns for her brother's safety.

Pietro sighed, he tilted his head down, "Jules, you are not losing me, ever. I will always be with you. I just don't want what happened to us to happen to others."

"I━" Jules sighed, her forehead pressed to his, she closed her eyes to keep them from becoming watery, "I understand, brother. I'm just scared. I don't want to lose my family."

"I know, Jules." Pietro grinned, and gripped her shoulders, "You're powerful, Julianna. Like, insanely powerful. You can do so much more than I can do━I'm pretty sure you can do anything."

Julianna placed a hand over his mouth with a smile, "I don't know my power limits but I know that I wouldn't want other kids like us to end up at that place. We need to be careful Pietro, if we are going to take them down."

"Is that you saying your finally going with my plan?" Pietro tilted his head and grinned.

Jules scoffed, "You don't have a plan━you never have a plan. But we need to be careful if we're going to do this. That means my way."

"What?" Pietro groaned and rolled off the bed, using his speed to stand in the middle of the room, "Come on, that means boring! What about epic car chases━" he sped on top of the bed throwing punches in the air, "━james bond action!"

Pietro grinned as he looked down at his sister. Jules looked at him pointedly, using her powers to force him to sit at the end of the bed.

He raised his hands in defense, "Fine, let's do it the old, boring, Julianna way." Pietro dramatically sighed and rolled his eyes.

Jules' lip turned up slightly, "Maybe some James Bond action."

Pietro laughed lightly, raising his fist into the air. "I knew you couldn't resist the Pietro way."

With a rage of emotion following the body, Jules' head turned to the door. Just as she did, it slammed against the pale wall with a sudden bang.

"What's up, little bro." Pietro ruffled Mike's hair before escaping down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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