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   We left the maze, with me glancing at Taek, wondering if he would look back. He didn't.

"Do you really want to explore that much?" I asked.

Taek lifted his head, and nodded.

"Why did you take my hand so easily?" I carried on. "You don't even know me. What if I end up hurting you?"

He tightened his grip before focusing his gaze on what was ahead of us. "You're warm. You won't hurt me."

I was rendered speechless at his response, and so, I let it at that. I figured even Taek had a way with words.

"And," he mumbled, while pointing at the bear I already attached to my phone. "You bought Altair."

"Altair," I repeated. "Isn't that a name of a star?"

He nodded.

"But in the planetarium, I heard you say you've no interest when it comes to star signs."

"I don't like horoscopes that much," Taek admitted. "But I do like stars."

I could only chuckle at his reply. "How old are you?"

He told me his age.

"You don't speak like one."

Taek shrugged. "I get that a lot."

"You seem thankful, that I bought Altair."

"I thought nobody would take notice of him."

"Why not?" I pushed.

"He looks different from the others. With his chewed up ear and mismatched body."

"But that's what made him stand out," I said.

"Not everybody likes it when someone's different from them."

"Do you know why?"

"I can only speculate."

My eyes widened. "Speculate. That's a very good word. You used it in context, too."

"I like to read. I learn new words that way. Do you?"

"I do. What kind of books have you read?"

"They always give me the ones that are for kids," he said. "My teachers do. But Mom gives me something else. I like The Velveteen Rabbit. Narnia, too. Uncle gave me a book, and I love it the most so far."

"You mean Myungsoo?"

Taek nodded.

"What's it called?"

"The Little Prince."

I ended up smiling, the moment I heard the title. "I love that book, too."

"He said someone he knows loves it, as well. He made a stuffed fox for her last Christmas."

A pause. "Did he?"

He nodded again. "Uncle's really bad at that, but he did his best. That person must be really special."

I kept quiet.

"But you know," he continued. "I just end up liking every new book I read, and say it's my favorite."

"Do you think you'll find another favorite after The Little Prince?"

"I'm not sure yet."

The gentle sunshine seeped through my shirt, warming my back as we walked through the crowded aisles. The music each booth played formed a muffled cacophony, but the people were far too distracted to even notice the noise.

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