Luke-when you touch his halo and wings

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This isn't nsfw, obviously, if you wanted a nsfw Luke scenario, than fuck off. Do not interact with my stuff, you are not welcome or wanted here in any way shape or form.

Luke had invited you over to bake some treats with him as a thank you to barbatos for helping him study recently and being his partner in home ec. You were given a key to get into purgatory hall anytime as if it were a second home to you. You had walked in and walked up to the kitchen, when you had arrived Luke already had the ingredients out and was grabbing pots, pans, bowls, and other cooking supplies.

As soon as you walked in he ran up to you and hugged you. After saying hi to eachother and talking for a bit you both decided to start baking. You both were making separate things and while making yours you heard Luke sigh. You turned around to him to see him looking up at the top shelf of the cabinet. You asked him what was wrong, he told you Simeon put some utensils he needed on the top shelf after he cooked dinner last night.

You offered to grab it for him and was about to go grab it when he shouted no. He than turned back to the cabinet turned into his angel form, he flew up to the top shelf, grabbed the bowl, dropped back down and continued baking. He stayed in his angel form the whole time while baking so he could easily fly up and grab things. The whole time you kept glancing over at him, looking at his wings and watching his halo move slightly delayed every time he did.

You had finally finished baking and packed everything into containers to bring to barbatos. Before heading out you both decided to have a late lunch. While eating you noticed that Luke was still in his angel form, you decided that you wanted to touch his halo and wings. You asked him if he could and he finally realized that he was still in his angel form. He hesitated for a second, but soon he got up and walked over to you, he sat on your lap facing away from you so you could easily touch his wings.

You first reached out and touched his halo, you gently ran your finger around it. It somehow felt, soft? Almost as if the light coming off it was fur. You than switched to touching his wings. You ran your fingers thru his feathers gently, they were soft and felt nice to touch. While doing this Luke relaxed and leaned back against you. You asked him if he was ok and said that that calmed him down allot.

He maneuvered around so he was sitting sideways on your lap, he rested his head on your shoulder and slightly curled into a ball in your lap. This isn't the first time he's done this, anytime he was upset he'd sit on your lap while you comfort him. Now that you knew petting his wings calmed him this much you'd be doing it more often. Luke fell asleep while you continued to pet his wings. You decided to just give the food to barbatos later not wanting to wake him.

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